The Exchange - March 2025


TECH-ENABLED WELLNESS: Tapping Into the Power of Your Digital Lifestyle by C raig A. D e L arge , mba , mph , cpc

M odern life’s pace, coupled with the ever-present demands of the digital age, has led to an epidemic of stress and distress. Burnout, anxiety, depression, and even violence have become too commonplace. The need for accessible effective strategies to manage stress and

1. Sleep Quality sleep is essential for physical and mental well- ness. Digital tools such as sleep-tracking apps like Sleepio and wearables like FitBit and Apple Watch can provide valuable insights into sleep patterns, helping us identify

sleep disruptions and improve sleep hygiene. Blue light filtering (which is part of most smartphones and laptop computers) can reduce exposure to sleep-disrupting blue light from screens, while relaxation apps like Insight Timer and Calm offer calming tech- niques to promote good sleep hygiene. 2. Diet

promote well-being has never been greater. Fortunately, a solution is right at our finger- tips – our own digital devices. While often associated with negative health impacts, digital technology, when used intentionally and skillfully, can be a powerful force for wellness. “Tech-enabled Wellness” is defined as the deliberate and skillful use of digital technology to enhance mental, physical, and social health. The beauty of this approach lies in its accessibility and cost-effectiveness, as it leverages technology we already own and have integrated into our daily lives. THE DOWNSIDE OF DIGITAL: ACKNOWLEDGING THE RISKS

A balanced and nutritious diet, as well as mindful eating hygiene, are fundamental to wellness. Digital tools can be invaluable for meal planning, calorie tracking, finding healthy recipes, and making informed food choices. Apps like MyFitnessPal and LoseIt help us track our dietary intake, while gro- cery delivery services like Instacart can make it easier to access fresh and healthy local ingredients. 3. Movement Regular physical activity is vital for both physical and mental well-being. Fitness trackers, smartwatches, and fitness apps can motivate us to move more, track our prog- ress, and set fitness goals. Apps like Nike Training Club and Peloton offer a wide range of workout options, while countless YouTube channels provide free movement rou- tines for all fitness levels, ranging from yoga and Animal Flow to running and rowing to dancing. 4. Relaxation Breathing and relaxation techniques are essential for mental well-being. Meditation apps like Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer, and guided breathing apps like Breathwrk can be effective in regulating stress, anxiety, and fatigue. Nature sounds, ambient music (easily found on YouTube), and virtual reality experiences, like NatureTrek, are additional applications that contribute to relaxing and de-stressing. 5. Relationships Healthy relationships are essential for social, mental/ emotional, and even physical well-being. Digital tech- nology can facilitate the development and practice of communication and social connection skills. Video calls, messaging apps, and online communities can help us stay connected with supportive people. In this area, it is important to resist the temptation for tech to become a substitute for deep human connection rather than a facili- tator to arrange time for those connections. There are also

Before we delve into its benefits, it’s essential to acknowledge the downsides of digital technology when it is not used skillfully. Excessive screen time, social media overload, and the constant influx of information contrib- ute to stress, anxiety, sleep disruption, and a decline in overall mental, physical, and social well-being. Further- more, data privacy and security breaches are legitimate dig- ital technology concerns. The potential for addiction to, or over-reliance on, digital tools is another risk to watch out for. To navigate the digital landscape safely and effectively, it is crucial that we develop digital literacy skills that enable us to use technology in a way that benefits, rather than harms, our well-being, as well as that of our families and communities. SHIFTING THE PARADIGM: DIGITAL AS A FORCE FOR WELLNESS Just as a hammer can be used to build a house for good or to break a window for harm, digital technology is capable of the same. Its impact is determined by the user’s intention and skill. Tech-enabled Wellness is about reclaiming control over our digital lives and using technol- ogy mindfully and skillfully to support, rather than detract from, our wellness. THE FIVE PILLARS OF HEALTH: A FRAMEWORK FOR TECH- ENABLED WELLNESS To understand how digital technology can enhance our well-being, consider the Five Pillars of Health: Sleep, Diet, Movement, Relaxation, and Relationships. Each pillar plays a crucial role in overall health and wellness. Digital tools can be used to cultivate positive outcomes in each area.

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MARCH 2025 

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