The Exchange - March 2025


that too few citizens are taking advantage of this approach. I encourage you to give this a try and model it for your family and community. THE FUTURE OF TECH-ENABLED WELLNESS The future of tech-enabled wellness is brimming with possibilities, both good and cautionary. Emerging technol- ogies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and person- alized medicine hold immense potential to revolutionize well-being. Ongoing research, innovation, and collabora- tion between technology developers, healthcare profes- sionals, and citizens will be key to creating a future where digital technology empowers everyone to achieve their full health potential. It is also important to note that we as citi- zens will only be able to rightfully influence this evolution as we are committed to continually upgrading our digital wellness literacy. CALL TO ACTION Take an active role in your health and well-being by exploring the possibilities of Tech-Enabled Wellness. Exper- iment with different digital tools, build a personalized tech-enabled wellness portfolio, and leverage the power of technology to support your wellness journey. Technology, when thoughtfully designed and ethically implemented, can be a powerful force for enhancing our well-being.

technology platforms like VirtualSpeech and Replika, virtu- al and augmented reality platforms where one can practice public speaking, social interactions, emotional intelligence, soft skills, peer support and learning, and growth mindset. BUILDING YOUR TECH-ENABLED WELLNESS PORTFOLIO: A PERSONALIZED APPROACH A Tech-Enabled Wellness portfolio should be highly per- sonalized and tailored to one’s individual needs, preferenc- es, and existing digital lifestyle. Building such a portfolio involves a mindful approach, using digital tools thought- fully and integrating them into our wellness routines. Going about this involves: 1. Self-Assessment – Begin by examining your current digital lifestyle, which consists of the digital devices, channels, and content you most use. 2. Identify Wellness Goals – Identify specific health pil- lars you want to focus on and set goals in each. 3. Explore Available Tools – Research digital tools and resources that align with your wellness goals. 4. Experiment and Integrate – Experiment with a few tools, gradually integrating them into daily wellness routines and adjusting as you learn. 5. Track Progress and Make Adjustments – Track your experiment’s progress and be open to making adjust- ments to your portfolio as you learn and grow. My work as a digital health professional and mental health advocate and educator has developed my interest in this area of tech-enabled wellness over the last decade. I have seen how it empowers individuals to use everyday digital technology to enhance their wellness. I also know • Address your problems. Many depressions are reac- tive – bad events lead to bad feelings, which spi- ral downward. • Depression tends to hit people with above-average intelligence and ambitions. Think Icarus flying too close to the sun. When you’re depressed, it’s hard to think straight, but try to persevere. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – good friends will be there. Think of it as drowning. People care and want to help. Those who don’t are probably part of what you’re reacting to. HELPING OTHERS If you’re not depressed, chances are you know someone who is. You may wonder what to do. Persistence is key. The person you’re trying to help may avoid you to keep from opening up. Secretly, they want you to save them from their agony and the risks they’re taking by coping alone. Gently, but firmly, keep at them. That may mean get- ting them outdoors, to a doctor, or even into the shower via telephone motivation. Salespeople are particularly good Overcoming Depression (Continued from page 10) Tech-Enabled Wellness (Continued from page 12)

Craig A. DeLarge , MBA, MPH, CPC, is a Digi- tal Mental Health Researcher and Educator, The Digital Mental Health Project. He can be reached at and 1-267-367- 9867.

at this – persuasion is their profession. It’s not easy, but you’ll have a place in heaven if you do it. And you’ll be thanked later when they come out of it. EPILOGUE Disclaimer: These are my opinions, not medical advice. If you’re struggling, call 911 or seek professional help. ABOUT THIS ARTICLE It took me decades to write this. It seemed like the right time, as I near the twilight of my career, to address a topic still stigmatized today. It also repays a debt. Years ago, a boss helped me through “the black dog” Churchill described. I hope this serves as payment in full. If this article helps even one person, I’ll declare mission accomplished. If you or someone you know needs help, feel free to reach out. Dedicated to Kathy. IYKYK.

Terry Nugent is Principal, Terryfic Writing Agency, delivering writing worth reading since 2018. He’s also putting the “I” in AI content development. He can be reached at 773-849- 9313 or

MARCH 2025 


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