American Consequences - February 2021

To me it seems like the anger on each side is clearly the fault of our government. At least that’s one thing the Capitol rioters may have gotten right, although the ensuing violence was reprehensible. As anyone knows, capitalism is an ideality and isn’t enshrined in any specific building, especially not the White House. You wouldn’t know that from the outrage expressed by many of our elected (mostly Democratic) representatives. From their comments, you would think that breaching the Capitol almost brought down our government, which is why they have labeled it an insurgency. That’s laughable, but also elucidating. It shows how much they believe

Thank you so much for your articles that make me think instead of trying to find truth in the headlines of other news outlets. P.J. O’Rourke has been a favorite author for manyyears and for manyyears to come (I hope). – Bill & Nida P.J. O’Rourke Response: And I hope so too, Bill. (And so does that last kid who needs to get put through college.) A lot of news and commentary outlets show contempt for their readers in the way they write their headlines. They assume the reader will never bother to actually read the article, so they try to put their whole message in a few simple words. Our readers are better than that. (Giving us a chance to fool around and have some fun with our headlines.) Re: America’s Teeter-Tottering Democracy This is the first article I’ve seen that ties the violence for the summer riots to the Capitol riot. PJ got it right again and should run for president, or at least be the brains behind someone’s candidacy.

that they are the bastions of democracy and not the people themselves.

From my perspective, it seems clear that the decades of our War on Poverty have

done little to nothing to help most impoverished

people create a better life. The massive bureaucracy generated to fight that war though


has undoubtedly enriched thousands of government

American Consequences


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