American Consequences - February 2021


again. Keep up the great work you are famous for. – Tom S. Trish Regan Response: Tom, I would agree. Politics are destroying our society. The media environment that we now live in no longer cares about what’s real and what’s not – and have become highly political entities themselves. My hope is that Americans can make more informed choices about the future. I am honored to play any role I can in helping people synthesize the vast amounts of data, information, and opinions about the world right now. Glad you’re reading! Sometimes a person can be so right I’d ask her to marry me... not that I’mworth marrying or anything. You’d have to ask my wife. Yes, the GOP has shot itself in the foot yet again... and I’m from Kentucky. McConnell has revealed himself to be more loyal to the swamp than to his constituents. – George D. Trish Regan Response: Ha! Well, I appreciate the analogy. The Republicans certainly have a real mess on their hands and the Left will use this moment to advance some pretty horrendous policies, I fear. McConnell has not led and these are the consequences. Dear Ms. Regan, You seem to be the only one I read now on American Consequences. You are concise and on point. Even if there are things I sometimes disagree with, you give food for thought. I am in my 70’s and have been taught from youth to research the issues. I am also a Republican and Trump supporter, not an extremist, and the bias has been horrific. The media is now a far cry from what it was many years ago.

as musings to a few readers and use my boots on the ground experience from fed jobs as a Peace Corps Volunteer (1977-80, Mali Rural Development south of Timbuktu), Navy Special Operations Officer (1980-89), Hard Hat Diver, and IC analyst (Pentagon DIA 2008-11, State Dept. Diplomatic Security 2012-14) and a few others... I call it the DC DMZ as my trips to the DMZ and to Tiananmen Square and to Tikrit Iraqwith numerous African banana republic experiences, I sawwhat happened as an insult to American military and to the American nation. Keep it up and hope their collective bananas can’t, but it will get worse before it gets more worse. Stay the course! – Lt. Pat Buck Sexton Response: Lt. Pat, thank you for your service, sir! Very impressive life you’ve led. And I completely agree that the deployment of our national guard to Washington, D.C. for photo-op purposes, and as part of a greater Democrat purge of their political opponents, is troubling and beneath this country. Re: Trish Regan Named as Publisher of American Consequences Trish, I’m a Stansbury Alliance member who was introduced by them to American Consequences and have enjoyed PJ, Buck, and yourself ever since. Great insight, always honest and respectful with your audience. I was a big fan of yours when you were on Fox, but I believe you’re in a better and less political place with AC. Congratulations


February 2021

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