American Consequences - February 2021


Throwing out these hypocrites would be a good start. © Creators

If politicians do it, it’s always necessary. Rules are for the little people. In Chicago, after politicians ordered salons closed, Mayor Lori Lightfoot still went to one for a haircut. She defended her decision, saying, “I’m out in the public eye. I take my personal hygiene very seriously.” Stepman says Lightfoot is a “double hypocrite” because “she was seen attending Election Day parties and giant street festivals not wearing a mask.” The Heritage Foundation tracks such political hypocrisy, calling it “COVID Hypocrisy.” As I write, they’re up to 57 examples of “Rules for thee, but not for me.” Stepman concludes, “It’s up to us to say, ‘You’re either going to follow these rules, change these rules, or we’re going to throw you out.’”

John Stossel is author of Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media .

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