We have made it to the end of an extremely busy half-term, filled with UCAS applications, coursework deadlines, mock oral exams and trips. Well done to all our Year 13 students, who have been working very hard in and outside of class to reach these deadlines. We hope they all have a well deserved rest over the half term break. In form time, students have been given their statement of entries for their A-level exams. They must check through these carefully to ensure that there are no mistakes with their exam entries. If there are any exams missing or they have clashes, they must speak to Ms Fong, our exams officer. If they have not received this sheet, they must speak to their form tutors or check in their tutor group pigeon hole in the Sixth Form Reception. On Thursday an assembly was delivered to all of Year 13 on how to apply for student finance. If any students missed this assembly, it will be added to their tutor group classrooms, so they can look over it and ask any questions. During the mock exams, from the 24th Feb-7th March, students are not expected to be in lessons. Year 13 students can use the silent study space/ sixth form study base if they want to come into school to revise.
Have a great break and let’s hope the weather starts to take a turn to feel a bit more like spring!
‘Hag-seed’ - Margaret Atwood
A marvellous retelling of the infamous Shakespearian play ‘The Tempest’. The story is weaved into the life of troubled, grieving Felix, theatre director, as he is exiled out of his town by his closest friends. He tries to avenge those who betrayed him and come to terms with the loss of his daughter as he directs ‘The Tempest’ with inmates as the actors as part of his new job. Atwood’s clear intelligence in Shakespeare’s work along with her unique, compelling writing style makes this book perfect for people who are interested yet perhaps intimidated by the complexity of Shakespeare.
- Aisha Y, Year 12
Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to sixthform@waldegravesch.org Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 13 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS
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