Four Corners Health & Rehabilitation - December 2017

YOGA for Baby Boomers Low-Impact Exercise for People of All Ages

The average yoga studio tends to be filled with young people contorting their bodies in all sorts of strange ways. This can be intimidating to older people interested in starting yoga. The truth, however, is that yoga can provide all sorts of benefits to baby boomers nearing their golden years. Yoga increases flexibility and functionality and can even aid in the prevention of chronic disease. Lots of yoga studios offer classes specifically aimed at baby boomers in order to create a welcoming environment. As Susan Winter Ward, author of “Yoga for the Young at Heart,” says, “There is no competition in yoga; there will always be someone

ahead of you and someone behind you.” Some boomers are even certified as yoga instructors and tailor their studio to the needs of those in their age group. One awesome quality of yoga is that it’s a low-impact exercise that won’t put undue stress on your joints and muscles as you age. Yoga increases range of motion and flexibility, adding to your quality of life. Plus, practicing yoga can teach you relaxation techniques through breathing and meditation.

later life. According to a National Institute of Health study, 90 percent of people with chronic lower back pain found significant relief through yoga. That’s even more effective than typical forms of medical care. Yoga can also lower blood pressure, relieve stress, and help alleviate depression. If you are interested in practicing yoga, it costs very little to get started. Lots of studios offer classes for under $10, and you won’t need to spend a bunch of money on fancy equipment. Yoga gets more popular every year, so there are likely multiple studios in your area. As you get older, it’s important to check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise regimen. For lots of people, however, yoga is a safe and effective method of fitness that you can continue later in life. These therapies vary depending on the patient’s situation. Typically, therapists will guide patients through a set of exercises, utilizing special hands-on techniques to stimulate the brain and resolve dysfunction of the inner ear’s vestibular system components. Strength and range- of-motion tasks will be incorporated, restoring regular movement to damaged or deteriorated areas. Through this process, therapists will gradually increase the stability of their patients’ gait, and enable them to adequately detect a stumble before it leads to an injury. If you complete treatment, you will regain the ability to navigate the world with ease, making coordination second nature once again. There’s no need to live with the risk of a potentially fatal fall. Contact Four Corners rehab today and give yourself the peace of mind that true stability brings. 70 who are diagnosed with abnormal balance issues.

Yoga can also aid in the prevention of certain medical conditions that are prevalent in

Nearly every waking moment of the day, our body is engaged in a delicate balancing act, using our complicated vestibular system to figure out the best way to stay upright. Though we’re almost constantly using this system, most people don’t think about their ability to balance and stay upright until an injury occurs. But by then, it’s often too late. If you or someone you love is suffering from poor balance issues, it’s best not to leave anything up to chance. A nasty fall can result in permanently crippling or life-threatening damage to your body, leading to even worse problems down the road.

ARE YOU AT RISK of a Dangerous Fall?

Many people don’t realize that physical therapists offer balance rehabilitation, as well as risk assessments and fall- prevention training, to help

you or your loved ones maintain independent mobility as the years pass. These treatments are ideal for the 75 percent of Americans over age


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