PBD Company Profile

Company Capabilities

Play By Design is a fully insured, Limited Liability Company (LLC) and with nationally recognized Certified Playground Safety Inspectors (CPSI). We are knowledgeable of ASTM, ADA and CPSI guidelines and laws as they apply to playgrounds. In addition to making the safety of our structures a priority, our professional team offers significant expertise in all-abilities design, community build, hybrid community build, and overall project management. • Project Management: You will be assigned and Project Manager with considerable design experience that best suits your community. • Organization: We will help you secure and develop your playground steering committee. • Communication: Our team is available after hours, on weekends and even in person if that’s what the collective team needs. • Build expertise: Our construction consultants are prepared to empower the volunteers to completion. • Flexibility: In three decades, we have adapted and upgraded as our world does. Please refer to our build methods below. • A Record of Accomplishment: We are dedicated to giving each client the best of what we can to provide excellent service, innovative design and safety for all. You can expect our team to walk you through each step of our process to reach your goals and milestones. After the build, you can rely on us to help you with anything that should arise!

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