questions and answers
with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg
there is no coming period of a literal reign by Jesus Christ on this earth for a thousand years. (Millennium means “thousand years.” ) It is proph esied in both the Old and New Testa ments. Amillennialism has several in terpretative principles. The subject of the future glory and restoration of Israel is spiritualized for they do not believe in a literal earthly kingdom. There are some orthodox men who hold these views, however, there are many liberals who look upon the Bibli cal passages in this manner. We be lieve in the premillennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ for His church which is made up of all born-again believers. Then there will be a time of agony and tribulation on the earth, following which will usher in the thou sand year reign of the Saviour. He will be King of kings and Lord of lords, and wherever He is, we, as be lievers, will be with Him. Q . Redding, California — “Is there any particular preparation necessary for prayer? Sometimes I feel that I per sonally rush into the presence of God." A. Too frequently prayer is made to look more complicated than it really is. Consider it as a father and child re lationship. Children will often rush into the presence of a parent. We have the perfect freedom and right to come immediately into the presence of our heavenly Father whenever a need arises. Peter cried out, “Lord save me.” He didn’t take time for prepara tion. There was a vital need. On the other hand, there are times when a
Q . San Francisco, California — “Does the Bible exhortation, ‘Come out from among them and be ye separate’ refer to attending sports and games?’’ A. The verse reads, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye sepa rate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (II Corinthians 6:17). This passage, if carried to its logical conclusion in connection with what this writer sug gests, we would have to live completely apart from the world. We couldn’t have anything to do with anyone whatsoever, unless he or she were a Christian. We believe the meaning of this particular passage does not indi cate that we are to refrain from any contact with others, but rather that we are not to be conformed to, or to set our pattern of life in accord with, the world. There are people in the world who are doing things that are honorable and upright. As far as our witnessing is concerned, unless we deal with them, how else can they be won to Christ? John tells us, “Love not the world.” This does not refer to this sphere on which we live, but rather the evil atmosphere which per vades the souls of unregenerate man kind. Q . Santa Barbara, California — “Will you please explain w h a t amillennialism is ?” A. This is the same system of Scrip tural interpretation as that which is known as “nonmillennialism.” It is a form of interpretation holding that
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