was a preacher who almost boastfully declared, “I know nothing about the second coming of Christ.” How foolish when at least a third of the Bible is dedicated to this great truth. I do not profess to know all of the mysteries concerning the future, however, there is nothing sweeter than to go to the Bible and there to study truths about His coming again. We do not know when this great event will take place, however, we do know that it wiU take place. In the council chambers of heaven, God has ordained a certain date when Jesus will return for those who love Him. The Bible tells us that we will be taken to glory at “the last trump.” This is a military figure. In the olden days when the first trumpet was blow ing, the soldiers packed up their kits and weapons. Then, when the second trumpet blew, they fell in line. They marched away at the blowing of the third or the last trumpet. If we study prophecy to see what Jesus tells us is going to take place, we are sure that the first two trumpets have already sounded. We cannot help but feel that the last one could be heard at any moment. Can you say, “I’m ready for His coming?” Would you desire, as did John, the Master’s return and say with him, “Even so, come, Lo r d Jesus.” As to the actual sequence of events, when the Lord comes, the dead in Christ shall rise up first to meet Him. The Christians who are living on earth will be caught up to complete the group. (Read and rejoice in I Thes- salonians 4:13-18.) What a blessed time of reunion this is going to be. There will be an immediate transfor mation into the glorious likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ (I John 3:2). Does it excite your heart to think that you will be like Jesus? When you look at the life He lived and then consider the one we have as our existence, it may seem that we are poles apart. In that blessed day, however, we shall go to be with Him and we shall be changed and made to be just like Him. O, what a wondrous Saviour! In Him there is no sin but only life and light. 27
Dr. W. Herschel Ford
tered, and his raiment was white and glistening.” Prayer will change you inside and out. In a church where I recently spoke, there was a large sign in the foyer, “Prayer changes things.” This is very true, and yet in a greater sense, prayer changes people. Stonewall Jackson, even in the midst of war, remained a stalwart Christian. It was his declaration that he had so fixed the habit of prayer in his mind that he could never raise a glass of water to his lips without asking God’s blessing. He never sealed a letter but that he prayed for the one to whom it was going. James Gilmore, the out standing missionary statesman, never used a blotter. He wrote his letters and prayed while the ink was drying. Habits like these change lives. Prayer brings peace to troubled hearts. The greatest change, however, will come when our Lord Jesus Christ re turns. The assurance of Scripture is .that “we shall all be changed.” There ANNUAL "BIOLA HOUR" R A D I O S U R V E Y BE SURE TO CAST YOUR BALLOT!
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