O UT of t h e MANY five-word sen tence sermons found in the Bible, one of my favorites is Job 6:25, “How forcible are right words.” Haven’t you found it true that one man can talk for 30 minutes about something and when he is finished you are not really able to tell what he has said. Or again, another man will speak for five minutes on a similar subject and you have readily grasped his message. I heard of a very learned professor who once addressed an audience on the subject of economics. At the end of his lengthy discourse, during which time many impressive words were given out, he sat down. A pastor pres ent was next to speak. He told the au dience that he didn’t have too much education, however, what the previous speaker was attempting to say was that “If your income isn’t more than your outgo, then your upkeep will be your downfall.” Everybody knew what these words meant! In the Bible God uses words to ex press His thoughts, wishes and de sires to us. When we preach or teach, we ought to use His words as much as possible. They are certainly not to be taken out of context, nor given our personal interpretation. The Lord’s vocabulary is larger than ours, and readily understandable. It is reported that there are more than 230 different religious groups here in the United States. The many false cults have their bases in mis applied Scripture and the writings of man (many of them are women). When we hear an individual speak, we can usually determine to what re ligion he belongs; there are peculiar phrases which he may use and which were devised by different leaders. He will take teachings put forth by these different people. Many times folks are led astray by tricky words and cunningly devised phrases. The Scrip
ture warns us that such would be the case. But aren’t you glad that the Word of God is so written that no one needs to mistake its meaning? These real truths are forcible words. The Scriptures illuminate the mind and inspire the heart. They bring salvation to those who are dead in sins, and they assure believers of eternal life. I used to carry a ten dollar bill with me so that when I met anybody from a false religion, or an atheist who didn’t believe anything, I could offer it to them if they could find SAVED— but I am saved, but is self buried? Is my one, my only aim. Just to honor Christ my Saviour Just to glorify His Name? I am saved, but is my home life What the Lord would have it be? Is it seen in every action Jesus has control of me? I am saved, but am I doing, Everything that I can do, That the dying souls around me, May be brought to Jesus too? I am saved, but could I gladly Lord, leave all and follow Thee? If Thou cal lest can I answer "Here am I, send me, send me?" their false views supported by the Bible. (In the case of the latter, if they could find any errors in Scrip ture.) After carrying this for about a decade and offering it to many people, I finally gave up, for no one could claim it. How easily some people are led astray by every kind of doctrine. They go into these religious systems being swayed by beautiful phrases, which, on the surface may sound lovely and impressive. You see, the devil doesn’t bait his mousetrap with cabbage. In every system of man, in 5
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