Listing Packet Presentation

compensation and you are willing to pay that agent, then you should enter into a written agreement that clearly expresses the terms and conditions of your obligation to pay the agent.

Q: What happens if the listing agreement expires? A: If the listing agreement expires after you enter into a contract to sell your property, then the listing agent and firm may continue representing you through the date of the closing and you may be responsible for compensating the listing firm in accordance with the provisions of the listing agreement. If the listing agreement expires without your property going under contract, then the listing agent/firm must immediately stop marketing your property unless you first enter into a new listing agreement with the firm.


Q: I want to buy real estate. What do I need to know about working with real estate agents? A: When buying real estate, you may have several choices as to how you want a real estate firm and its agents to work with you. For example, you may want them to represent only you (as a buyer agent). You may be willing for them to represent both you and the seller at the same time (as a dual agent). Or you may agree to let them represent only the seller (seller’s agent or subagent). Some agents will offer you a choice of these services. Others may not. Q: What are a buyer agent's duties to a buyer? A: If the real estate firm and its agents represent you, they must • promote your best interests • be loyal to you • follow your lawful instructions • provide you with all material facts that could influence your decisions • use reasonable skill, care and diligence, and • account for all monies they handle for you. Once you have agreed (either orally or in writing) for the firm and its agents to be your buyer agent, they may not give any confidential information about you to sellers or their agents during the agency relationship without your permission. But until you make this agreement with your buyer agent, you should avoid telling the agent anything you would not want a seller to know.

Q: Must a buyer have a written agency agreement with the agent who represents the buyer?

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