Listing Packet Presentation

But remember, the agent represents the seller—not you—and therefore must try to obtain for the seller the best possible price and terms for the seller’s property and cannot give you advice on buying the property if it will conflict with the seller’s interests. Furthermore, a seller’s agent is required to give the seller any information about you (even personal, financial or confidential information) that would help the seller in the sale of his or her property. Agents must tell you in writing if they are sellers’ agents before they ask you about anything that can help the seller. But until you are sure that an agent represents you and is not a seller’s agent, you should avoid saying anything you do not want a seller to know.

Q: If I am an unrepresented buyer, who pays the real estate agent? A: Unless you agree otherwise, seller’s agents are compensated by the sellers.

Q: Can the real estate agent who represents the seller require me to hire an agent to represent me? A: No. While it may benefit you to hire an agent, there is no law requiring a buyer to hire a real estate agent to buy real estate.


Q: If I hire a real estate agent or firm to represent me, can I terminate the agency agreement before it expires? A: Maybe. An agency agreement is a contract between a buyer or seller and a real estate firm. Most agency agreements do not contain a provision allowing a buyer or seller to terminate the agreement before it expires without the consent of the other party. Generally, one party cannot terminate the agreement without the consent of the other party. If you and the firm both agree to terminate the agreement, then you both should sign a written agency termination agreement. If the agent asks for compensation in exchange for terminating the agreement, then you can agree or disagree or try to negotiate the amount of compensation. If an agency agreement contains a penalty or fee for early termination, the provision specifying the penalty or fee must be set forth in a clear and conspicuous manner. If you are not able to reach an agreement on the termination of the agency agreement, then you may consult your own attorney or simply wait until the agency agreement expires. The Real Estate Commission does not have the authority to terminate agency agreements or to force a real estate agent to terminate an agreement.

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