NOTE: If the parties agree that Buyer will pay any fee or deposit described above by electronic or wire transfer, Seller agrees to cooperate in effecting such transfer, including the establishment of any necessary account and providing any necessary information to Buyer, provided, however, Buyer shall be responsible for additional costs, if any, associated with such transfer.
Should Buyer fail to deliver either the Due Diligence Fee or any Initial Earnest Money Deposit by their due dates, or should any check or other funds paid by Buyer be dishonored, for any reason, by the institution upon which the payment is drawn, Buyer shall have one (1) banking day after written notice to deliver cash , official bank check, wire transfer or electronic transfer to the payee. In the event Buyer does not timely deliver the required funds, Seller shall have the right to terminate this Contract upon written notice to Buyer, and Seller shall be entitled to recover the Due Diligence Fee together with all Earnest Money Deposit paid or to be paid in the future. In addition, Seller may be entitled to recover reasonable attor ney fees and court costs. See paragraph 23 for a party’s right to attorneys’ fees incurred in collecting the Earnest Money Deposit or Due Diligence Fee. (e) “ Earnest Money Deposit ”: The Initial Earnest Money Deposit, the Additional Earnest Money Deposit a nd any other earnest monies paid or required to be paid in connection with this transaction, collectively the “Earnest Money Deposit”, shall be deposited promptly and held in escrow by Escrow Agent until Closing, at which time it will be credited to Buyer, or until this Contract is otherwise terminated. In the event: (1) this offer is not accepted; or (2) a condition of any resulting contract is not satisfied, then the Earnest Money Deposit shall be refunded to Buyer. See paragraph 23 for remedies in the event of breach of this Contract. (f) “ Escrow Agent ” (insert name): ____________________________________________________________________________ Buyer and Seller consent to disclosure by the Escrow Agent of any material facts pertaining to the Earnest Money Deposit to the parties to this transaction, their real estate agent(s) and Buyer’s lender(s). NOTE: In the event of a dispute between Seller and Buyer over the disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit held in escrow, a licensed real estate broker (“Broker”) is required by state law (and Escrow Agent, if not a Broker, hereby agrees) to retain the Earnest Money Deposit in the Escrow Agent’s trust or escrow account until Escrow Agent has obtained a writte n release from the parties consenting to its disposition or until disbursement is ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. Alternatively, if a Broker or an attorney licensed to practice law in North Carolina ("Attorney") is holding the Earnest Money Deposit, the Broker or Attorney may deposit the disputed monies with the appropriate clerk of court in accordance with the provisions of N.C.G.S. §93A-12. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT A REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE FIRM ACTING AS ESCROW AGENT MAY PLACE THE EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT IN AN INTEREST BEARING TRUST ACCOUNT AND THAT ANY INTEREST EARNED THEREON SHALL BE DISBURSED TO THE ESCROW AGENT MONTHLY IN CONSIDERATION OF THE EXPENSES INCURRED BY MAINTAINING SUCH ACCOUNT AND RECORDS ASSOCIATED THEREWITH. (g) “ Effective Date ”: The date that: (1) the last one of Buyer and Se ller has signed or initialed this offer or the final counteroffer, if any, and (2) such signing or initialing is communicated to the party making the offer or counteroffer, as the case may be. The parties acknowledge and agree that the initials lines at the bottom of each page of this Contract are merely evidence of their having reviewed the terms of each page, and that the complete execution of such initials lines shall not be a condition of the effectiveness of this Agreement. (h) “ Due Diligence ”: Buyer’s opportunity to investigate the Property and the transaction contemplated by this Contract, including but not necessarily limited to the matters described in Paragraph 4 below, to decide whether Buyer, in Buyer’s sole discretio n, will proceed with or terminate the transaction. (i) “Due Diligence Fee ”: A negotiated amount, if any, paid by Buyer to Seller with this Contract for Buyer’s right to terminate the Contract for any reason or no reason during the Due Diligence Period. It shall be the property of Seller upon the Effective Date and shall be a credit to Buyer at Closing. The Due Diligence Fee shall be non-refundable except in the event of a material breach of this Contract by Seller, or if this Contract is terminated under Paragraph 23(b) or as otherwise provided in any addendum hereto. Buyer and Seller each expressly waive any right that they may have to deny the right to conduct Due Diligence or to assert any defense as to the enforceability of this Contract based on the absence or alleged insufficiency of any Due Diligence Fee, it being the intent of the parties to create a legally binding contract for the purchase and sale of the Property without regard to the existence or amount of any Due Diligence Fee. See paragraph 23 for a party’s right to attorneys’ fees incurred in collecting the Due Diligence Fee.
(j) “ Due Diligence Period ”: The period beginning on the Effective Date and extending through 5:00 p.m. on ________________ __________________________________________________________________________ TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE .
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