Listing Packet Presentation

Resale Contract Timeline

Signed offer on negotiated terms to listing agent

Mortgage loan pre-approval letter received

Suggested Contract Timeline To account for new regulated mortgage closing procedures, this timeline suggests a minimum timeline that includes: • 21 days for buyer loan pre-approval, shopping, negotiation and final contract signing. • 45 days minimum total from contract to closing where no significant issues are anticipated. Loan approvals for many loan types and time for seller adjustment to significant property condition issues will require more time. o 21 days for Buyer Due Diligence where loan approval, appraisal and property condition are not significant issues o 8 days for seller to complete negotiated repairs o 2 days for initial walk-through and negotiation of remaining issues o 14 days for Closing Attorney to have all financial information for closing from both Seller and Buyer (must provide to lender at least 10 days prior to closing)


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Begin shopping for homes and showings

Negotiate terms of contract

Make Offer

Employ Closing Attorney Sales Contract to Closing Attorney Make appointment for settlement date Sales contract and Addenda to lender (add a day for each day of delay) Complete Loan Application (add a day for each day of delay) All required forms to AA via DotLoop

• • • •



Contract Acceptance by all Parties

• •

All inspections scheduled

Due Diligence request and agreement fully signed Schedule re- inspection for day 29

Appraisal ordered by

Review closing disclosures and settlement statement with buyer and seller

Closing attorney works on closing disclosures and remaining title work

Buyer ’ s closing disclosure mailed to buyer

lender (assume 14 days through underwriting approval)

Due Diligence request delivered to Seller

Attend Home Inspection

Re-inspection and Preliminary Walk through

Settlement and Closing

Due Diligence Period Ends

2 9 1516 17 18 19 20 21 28 2931 33 35 39 42 43 44 45

Final Walk-through Communicate approval of Settlement Statement to Closing Attorney

Inspection reports received and reviewed with Buyer. Appraisal Results received

Seller makes arrangements for all agreed repairs

Well, Septic, Pest Inspections Received

Seller completes repairs (if 8 days not enough, then delay)

All financial and title information has been submitted to lender

Negotiation of Due Diligence Request

Last day to deliver Buyer ’ s Closing Disclosure

Final financial information submitted to closing attorney

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