King's Business - 1915-07



that it tends in the direction of the final consummation of all things when “God will be all in all,” and then to arrive at a doctrine of Universalism. But there is another line,' equally clear, which starts from man with his- freedom of will, and tends towards the solemn possibility of whatever is meant by “an eternal sin.” (Mark 3:29, R. V.) No true consideration can set it aside. It is probably true to say that Scripture does not attempt to reconcile positions that seem oppo­ site and appear to involve the old

problem of Divine sovereignty and hu­ man freedom. But we must not ig­ nore either of them, and we are cer­ tain that when all things are made clear they will be found to be com­ plementary and not “contradictory.” Meanwhile it behooves us to remem­ ber what was said to a company of professed believers, that “it is a fear­ ful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. 10:31), and this, because “our God is a consuming fire.” (Heb. 12:29.) is expected daily from Kijabe, their ulti­ mate destination. Dr. and Mrs. Allen were students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, though .neither is a graduate. Mrs. Allen, nee Ruth Schneider, was one of our brightest and most amiable students. When studying under Rev, C. E. Hurlbut, superintendent of the African Inland IMission, under whose direction she and her husband are working, he gave her “100-plus” among her credits. The Bible Institute has given six of her best to the Kijabe mission, two of- them, Thomas Hanney and Hugh Wallace, are fallen, and now Mr. and Mrs. Allen restore the ranks to the original number. Mrs. Allen is the daughter of our be­ loved “Uncle” Schneider,“so well known in our buildings. It is from him and not his father that baby William, “Billy” they call him, gets his name. May he become the evangelist “Billy” of Africa. ------------ i>------------ The sole object of this magazine is the dissemination of the true doctrine of Sal­ vation through Jesus Christ, as found in an unabridged Bible—upon which rock the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is irrevoca­ bly founded.

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Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Allen, with their infant son, William, sailed for British East Africa via Liverpool early in 1915. To avoid the mine and torpedo-infested waters they made the long voyage around the Cape, from whence they cabled their arrival en route. Further news from them

Dr. and Mrs. K. W. Allen and child

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