King's Business - 1915-07

in South China

By Alden A. Pratt Former President Fishermen’s Club Los Angeles Bible Institute

Note,—The w riter of the following story of “How a few reinforcem ents and a strategic movem ent saved the day in a village of South C h in a/’ is the son of Rev. J. R. P ra tt, D. IX, of Los Angeles. H e graduated from the T raining School of th e Los Angeles Bible In stitu te in. 1910, and is now a m issionary in China under th e Presbyterian Board of Missions.—Editor.

Christ., Wai Kwong, familiar from child­ hood with all the customs and life of his people, knew just when the Devil would play his high trumps and he determined to be prepared. Yesterday was the one day of the 365 when idolatry is most rampant in Wong Shaan. As we came near the village the sound of the heathen brass band and drum corps helped us to -realize that the village was in possession of the enemy’s forces and we halted on the road for a moment of silent prayer, after which the Elder prayed that God would grant us guidance and power as we entered this stronghold of evil. We then proceeded into the village. The mud houses were gaily decorated with" huge red-and-gold posters; the women, attired in their “best,” stood about in large groups watching the demonstration. On the street we encountered the idol procession, the mu-

evening Elder Ceung X T * and I went over the hills to

hold a service at Wong Shaan in the home of Ng Wai Kwong, our head col-

porter. In American cities you open Res­ cue Missions right in the center of that district where saloons and brothels abound, because there the forces of evil are strong­ est. Our expedition last evening was prompted by somewhat the same spirit. Besides Ng Wai Kwong there are four­ teen other Christians in that village, most of them young in the faith and correspondingly weak. The temptations to backslide and deny Christ are ever present, numerous and strong in a Chinese village, but there is one day in the year when the Devil seems to marshal all his forces and use his wiliest tactics in his attempt to recapture the young convert who has been won but recently to

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