Oscar Zimmerman, Sup’t.
TOURING the last few weeks the workers ■Le have felt that prayer was being offered by intercessors for the work, as we had very definite answers to prayer. Many have passed this port as a point in their life’s journey, and a goodly number have accepted Christ. Only the workers can realize just what it means to see an item like this in a news paper: “British steamer ‘Candidate’ tor pedoed in English Channel,” when they re member that months ago the arrival of that very ship in this port meant an opportunity to preach the Gospel. It was sudden news, and hastening home to look up the record the worker found that the steamer “Can didate” was visited July 22, 1914, and that there were given out twelve. Colportage books (above the average), twenty-two Gos pels and 100 tracts. There were eight per sonal interviews and one man had accepted Christ. Truly God who watches over the affairs of men, knew of the need. How good it was that these men did not have to go out of this harbor untouched! We need much prayer. The harvest is plen teous but the laborers are few. Another time a passenger ship was vis ited. The time between the arrival of out going passengers and the departure of the boat is limited, so much guidance was need ed. After visiting every cabin and distribut ing the Word in tract form, the worker prayed for an opportunity to deal with the person he had asked the Lord to show him. Only a few minutes and the boat was due to leave. So peaceful assurance was mingled with haste. He was led to a man whom he met on a stairway, and giving him a leaflet, the man’s look and answer arrested the worker’s attention, . In a minute the man had told him of his boyhood days, the wan dering into sin and the habits .formed. As', the Word was unfolded and Christ upheld,
he saw the Light and the way out of it all into a blessed new walk, and finally grasped the worker’s hand firmly and said he would accept Christ. Having only a moment in which to ground the man in the truth, the “Way to God,” by Moody, was given him with that chapter on assurance of salva tion, page 86, as help in the new walk. God’s leading surely was very definite, thought the worker, as he saw the decks thronged with people. A week or so ago the “Christmas ship,” Jason, entered the port after a long voyage to the war zone with gifts for the victims of the war. It was not the size of the vessel, nor the sixteen masts that will make the workers always remember that ship, but the meeting held one noonday in the spa cious dining room of the ship among the hundred or so young Filipinos. R. C. Lewis, of the Institute, gave the message, speaking of Mephibosheth. ’ It was a message owned of God, and the Holy Spirit’s presence was manifested when at the close the invitation was given and fifteen or twenty young fel lows raised their hands. It was a peculiar meeting in many respects. Satan tried to hinder us because of a fight. One of two men. was carried into the room and laid on a table to be examined by the doctor, which drew a large crowd away from the meeting. The Lord heard and answered prayer and sent a good number back to the meeting. At the close prayer was offered that the in jured man might recover and be saved, and God did save him. One of the three stu-. dents who helped in the meeting, reported that he followed the fellow to the hospital, and that hei finally came out, through per sonal work. It was a great opportunity and rejoiced the hearts of the workers and His ¡Marne is praised for it all.
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