King's Business - 1915-07

A t Colgate Seminary, where I studied, they mentioned the 53d Chapter of Isaiah, because of its partial fulfillment as proof against the inspiration and infallibility of the Old Testament. My faith in the Word of God is unshaken, but how would you ex­ plain the alleged partial fulfillment? As much of the prophecy contained in Isaiah S3, as applies Up to the present time, has teen most wonderfully and literally ful­ filled, and, instead of the 53d Chapter of Isaiah containing any “proof against the in­ spiration and infallibility of the Old Tes­ tament,” it is a most remarkable proof of the inspiration and infallibility of the Old Testament; so remarkable a fulfillment as to lead many an unbelieving Jew to the acceptance of the Lord Jesus as the Mes­ siah, when the prophecy was explained to him, and, its literal fulfillment in the person of Jesus pointed out, and this clear fulfill­ ment has also led to the conversion of many an infidel. When carefully studied, it is seen to be the song of penitence that Israel will sing in her conning day of atone­ ment, when they “look upon Him whom they have pierced,” and realize at last that One whom they crucified, and whom they deemed “stricken, smitten of God and af­ flicted,” was pierced for their transgres­ sions and bruised for their iniquities, and that* the chastisement of their peace was upon Him, and thaf ,with His stripes they are healed. It is impossible to go into a full interpretation of all the details in which this prophecy has. been minutely fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth, but they are so many and so'noticeable that even a leading. Jew­ ish rjtbbi, when he was inquired of by a Jew whether Isaiah S3 Jesus of Nazareth, was. compelled to answer* “It seems to,” and then, added, “but it doesn’t.” If he had gone a little further, and changed

his answer to “It seems to, and does,” he would have been exactly right. Of course, a part of the prophecy refers to the future. The time has not yet come when He has seen the travail of His soul and is satisfied, but it will come, and when He comes again God will divide Him a portion with the great, and He shall divide the spoil with the strong. Of course, there are some things that are inaccurately translated in our Au­ thorized Version, and, of course, these things were not literally fulfilled* but the things predicted as given in the Hebrew (that apply to the present time) have been fulfilled to the very letter. What becomes of the saved dead during the Millennial age? When are they raised and enter the eternal state? Probably the majority -tit Bible students who have gone carefully into the study of Revelation' 20, take the position that none of those who stand before the Great White Throne are saved, but as the passage says, “Whosoever was not found written in the - Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire,” the implication to us seems to be that there were some at the Great White Throne (judgment) who were found written in the Book of Life. Naturally they would be those who were saved during the Millen­ nial age; for it seems to be the teaching of the Word of G°d, that men will die during the Millennial age, Of course, none of the Church will die during the Millennial age; that is, none of those who were called out before the Millennium, and who received Christ, and who were either raised to die no more', or who were transformed. But thefe is no reason for supposing that those who are saved during the Millennial age and who are not part of the Church (for the. Church is complete before the Millen­ nium begins) will not die,

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