King's Business - 1915-07



If a man is not willing to go to heaven by the way of Calvary, he cannot go at all. Many men want a religion in which there is no cross, but they cannot enter heaven that way. If we are to be disciples of Jesus Christ we must deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow him. Do not think you will have no battles if you follow the Nazarene; many battles are before you. But men do not object to a battle if they are confident that they will have the vic­ tory, and, thank God, every one of us may have the victory if he will.— D. L. Moody. When someone tells you that your reji- gion is one of blood, that the Bible is a Book of blood, tell them, yes. Christianity is a religion of blood, the Gospel is a Gospel of blood, the Bible is a' Book of blood, the plan of redemption is a bloody one. It is. You take the blood of Jesus Christ out of Christianity and this Book isn’t worth the paper it is written on. It would be worth no more than your body with the blood taken out. Take the blood of Jesus. Christ out and it would be a meaningless jargon and jum­ ble of words. If it weren’t for Christ’s atoning blood, you might as well rip the roofs off the churches, and burn them down. They aren’t worth anything. But as long as the blood is on thé mercy seat, the sinner can return, and by no other way. There is nothing else. It stands for the redemption. You are not redeemed by silver or gold, but by the blood of Jesus Christ. Some man says to read good books, do good deeds, live a good life, and you’ll be saved. You’ll be damned. That’s what you will. All the.books in the world won’t keep you out of hell without the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, It’s Jesus .Christ or nothing for every sinner Qn God’s earth. Without it not a sinner in Philadelphia will ever be saved. Jesus has paid for your sins with His biapd.—-“Billy” Sunday.

EASTER ERRORS Paul warned of men who “concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrec­ tion is past already, and overthrow the faith of some” (2 Tim. 2:18). This error is prevalent now. How seldom even at Easter is the doctrine of the bodily resur­ rection (the only resurrection conceivable) preached. “Easter” sermons treat usually of immortality not of the rising of ihe body. Christ Himself is represented as rising, and now living, only in spirit. The Continent prints Richard, Watson Gilder’s Easter lines: “The Lord is risen indeed, He is here for your love, for your need— Not in the grave, nor the sky, But here where men live and die; And true the word that was said: ‘Why seek ye the living among the'dead ?’” No truth is more important and essential than that the risen Lord is “in the sky.” That is the Easter lesson, the other be­ longs to Pentecost. Again it has the follow­ ing mother’s poem, in the sentiment of, which we heartily sympathize, but it has no foundation.,:Her babe is doubtless with the Risen Lord but it is not yet risen: “Tell it over and over again: Many and long the years have been Since ,the winter snow and summer bloom Have silently covered my baby’s tomb; ■ But empty my arms and aching my heart, Weary the days when the hot tears start And my soul grows faint. Oh, come to me, then, And tell me, over and 6ver again— ‘He is not here, but is risen.’ | “Say it over and over again: The morning bringeth new' ache and pam; The evening-time with its- twilight gloom Crushes my heart with thoughts of the tomb. The dripping rain and the driving snow, The wintry night—how the cold winds blow O’er the little white mound ! So pome to me, then, And say it over and OVer again— ‘He is risen; he is not here,” ’

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