King's Business - 1915-07

The Books th a t have proved th e Very B est Aids to Preachers Pegs for Preachers and Points for Workers By Chas. Inglis. A very helpful book The Work of the Ministry

By W. H.. Griffith Thomas. This book elevates the office of the pastor, and tends to promote healthful and helpful Worship. Part I deals with the man himself, Part II discusses his work, and in Part III the man is considered in relation to his work. 416 pages..... ..................................Cloth, $1.50 On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons By John A. Broadus. A book which, while it has gone through many editions, is still as valuable and oft-quoted as on the day of its first appearance. It seems to be one of the books which does not grow old with time, but i s .as fresh and suggestive as ever....................... Cloth, $1.50 How to Prepare Sermons and Gospel Addresses By William Evans. A volume of prac­ tical helps for ministers and theological students, and also Christian laymen who are called to the work of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The chapter on “ Illustrations and Their Use’’ has been especially commended......... ....... Cloth, $1.00 The Art o f Exposition By H. Jeffs. Pew man are better qual­ ified to say what a sermon ought to be. Mr. Jeffs is a capable writer who has stud­ ied the whole subject with patience and much originality........................... Cloth, $1.00 The Making o f a Sermon By A. T. Pierson. Part I: The Art of Bible Study. Part II: Studies of Texts and Themes. Some of the topics: The Great Starting Point; The Habit of Godli­ ness; The Simplicity that is in Christ; The Recompensing God; Conditions of Prosper-. ity; The Believer and the World, etc.......... ..... ....................................................Cloth, $1.50 In a Preacher’s Study By George Jackson. The ripe fruit of experience, reading and thought, is given in these chapters, which discuss problems that are of the supremest interest to the preacher, It is written in a clear style; and shows marks of fine scholarship.,____ ...... | ........... ......IS .:......... ..„„.....Cloth, $1.25 The Master Preacher By A. E. Bond. A study of the homi­ letics of Jesus. This includes a study of His preparation, His themes, His parables, His authority, His originality, His power, etc. ........ „............ ........... Cloth, $1.00

containing 431 Bible readings..... Cloth, 75c The Preacher’s and Teacher’s Vade-Mecum Compiled by J. Ellis. A second series of outlines and illustrations comprising The Evangelist’s Wallet,'Outline Sermon- ettes for Children, and By Way of Illustra­ tion..J.........__.,...:....„..uV...._....:..cioth, $ 1.00 Platform and Pulpit Aids This contains speeches by the most eminent Christian orators of the present and recent times, and a selection of fresh, pithy, and sometimes humorous illustra­ tions............. ............:....i...:..;:.Ji.....C10th, $1.00 The Use o f the Eyes in Preaching By John Neville. Gives practical sug­ gestions for the preacher who desires to be freed from the use of manuscripts when delivering his sermon................... Cloth, 35c The Preacher: His Life and Work By J. H. Jowett. This book has been called a Pilgrim’s Progress of the modern ministry. It overflows with visions and counsels which kindle both mind and heart to enthusiasm.......^........... 9 ......... Cloth, $1.25 Preacher and Prayer By E. M. Bounds .... Some of the topics: Our Sufficiency is of God; Examples of Praying Men; - Prayer Marks Spiritual Leadership, etc..:..... Paper, 15c; cloth, 35c The Young People’s Pastor By Amos E. Wells. A book showing, from the experience of many pastors, how a pastor may most successfully conduct his young people’s society........... Cloth, 75c A Primer o f Homiletics By John Edwards. The object of this book is to stimulate the aspirant to pulpit work to such study and labor as is to make him a preacher of power and con­ vincing earnestness........... ......... .....Cloth, 75c Expository Sermons and Outlines on the Old Testament These sermons are rich in application and will be an inspiration to many. They are largely biographical. 305 pages........... ................... ....... % --------..................Cloth, $1.00

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