2024 Stony Run Friends Jazz Concert Program

About Stony Run Friends Meeting


The Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends, Stony Run is a large, unprogrammed (without pastors or order of service) Quaker Meeting, with individuals and families of all ages, races, sexual orientations, and family makeup. Attendance at a Meeting for Worship can range from less than 10 people to more than 100. Visitors are warmly welcomed. Quakers have a long history of working for equality, social justice, and peace. Organizations and initiatives we support include: Stony Run Supports these Quaker Affiliates

Live performance at Stony Run Friends Meeting Livestream on YouTube Opening set: Friends School Jazz Ensemble Main act: The Delandria Mills Quintet

There will be one intermission

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC – National and South Region) Baltimore Yearly Meeting Camping Programs STRIDE Friends Church Baltimore Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) Friends Council on Education (FCE) Friends General Conference (FGC)

Friends Journal Friends Peace Teams

After the concert, meet the performers and enjoy refreshments downstairs l Event Planning Committee

Friends Wilderness Center Friends World Committee on Consultation (FWCC) Quaker Earthcare Witness Quaker United Nations Program

Quaker Voluntary Service Ramallah Friends Meeting

Stony Run’s Recent Work Includes Direct Support for these Organizations and Initiatives

Margaret Allen, Clerk Deborah Bedwell, Ann Marie Ketron, Hillary Kruh, Linda Loubert, Todd Marcus, Sandi Morton, Katherine Hancock Porter, Philip Porter, and Sara Workeneh With special help from: Alice Bedi, Gail Breyer, Nia Carvell-Allette, Becky Copeland, Julie Craft, Elizabeth Elliott, Ashley Gorby, Debbie Feldman Jones, Blaine Keener, Carter Lawson, Meg Boyd Meyer, Ziggy Moorehead, Leona Odour, Larry Reid, Meheret Workeneh, and Wade Zagurski

Baltimore Abortion Fund Children’s Peace Libraries, Rwanda Clay Pots / New Faith Ministry Franciscan Center Friends of Great Kids Farm Friends School Summer Outreach Program GEDCO • CARES Food Pantry Health Care for the Homeless Interfaith Action for Human Rights

Kaimosi Girls School, Kenya Loyola Clinic Marian House Maryland Ecumenical Council McKim Center Ntaseka Clinic in Burundi Right Sharing of World Resources UniFIED Efforts Woodberry Crossing

Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends, Stony Run 443-703-2590 | sroffice@StonyRunFriends.org | www.StonyRunFriends.org



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