King's Business - 1925-02

A Motto for 1925 for Every Member of the KING’S BU S INE SS FAMILY 1 100,000 S u b s c r i b e r s for our Bible Family Magazine 1 Ought it to be done? Can it be done? How can it be done? They could be secured in ONE DAY if each member of the f a m ily . would goout and get ONE SUBSCRIPTION. We don’t mean that you are to subscribe for them, but be a Missionary and Go Get One! What a favor to us and blessing to you !Do It Now!



L ' i f A

H u n d re d s o f homes are be ing blessed. Y o u n g p eo p le are be ing helped a n d encouraged. T h e little f o l \ s too are be ing m ade happy .

What IS the business o f The King’s Business Family? Get a J\[ew Subscriber! Kindly drop us a postal card TODAY telling us that we may count on you for at least ONE NEW SUBSCRIBER in the next 3 0 days. Address, T. C. HORTON Editor-in-Chief The King’s Business - Los Angeles Our hearty thanks to those who have already responded to our appeal



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