King's Business - 1925-02

February 1925

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


NEW CITIZENS Aliens from nineteen different countries received th e ir first papers of American citizenship in the Federal court here on a single day recently. The melting pot is working on fu ll time. A sh o rt tim e back we were not sure th a t th a t many, nations would pull through.— L. A. Times. BARTERING A BRIDE This is the way they do it in Honolulu: A man sold his wife for $100. The purchaser had a receipt signed w ith th e names of th ree w itnesses to show th a t he did not get her by force, and agreed to go to jail for fifteen years, w ithout investigation, if he “ renigged” on the sale. Maybe he would p refer to go to ja il a fte r th e completion of the sale. THE SUN CURE FOR A CHILD’S DISEASE Miss Grace Abbott, Chief of th e U. S. Children’s Bureau, says th a t a study of the children of the United States re­ veals th a t seventy-five per cent of them have rickets,— a disease which affects th e bones, of young children and some­ tim es causes perm anent deform ities and always lowers the vitality of the victim. A year’s work dem onstrated th a t eighty-seven per' cent of th e older children examined were found to have had the disease, and th a t only twenty-nine per cent of those who received preventative trea tm e n t de­ veloped the disease. Sunlight and fish oil w ere. the pre- ventatives used. CITING FACTS OR FANCIES ABOUT ANCIENT CITIES Dr. George B. Gordon, of th e University of Pennsylvania Museum, states th a t fossils recently unearthed in th is coun­ try indicate th a t it was inhabited 50,000 years ago and says: “Recent discoveries in th e section of th e m iddlewest ru n ­ ning from St. Louis no rthw ard to the G reat Lakes, show th a t people in ancient times had sta rted several cities. These were laid out somewhat like those of th e present day, except th a t th ere was virtu ally h alf a mile between houses. Of course, the houses have crumbled, b u t the excavators found traces th a t such cities existed.” America is th e Old World a fte r all. Now th e Egyptians will be peeved. A WORD OF WARNING The “B etter America F ederation ” p rin ts th e following: “ Every movement th a t comes w ith the appealing and deceptive catch phrases, ‘no-more-war’ and ‘peace and free­ dom,’ etc., should be scanned w ith the utmost care, for if th ere is a movement using these phrases th a t is not sub­ versive in its n atu re, we have not located it. While there are a large number of sincere and loyal men and women aiding many such movements who are wholly unacquainted w ith the real purposes back of them , th e fact rem ains th a t all such movements have been inspired from foreign lands and are not of American conception, although Americans may be advancing them . They all have one object and one purpose: ’“To destroy the morale of the American people, weaken every ch aracter of national defense, and so lay th is nation open to th e ‘revolution’ about which all these now preach­ ing Communism and Socialism, no m a tte r under w h at name or of what brand, ta lk so much. “ Yet while these persons, so anxious to destroy our army and navy, are active, Soviet Russia ju st issues a call to increase its ‘red ’ arm y to 2,500,000. These American ‘no- more-war’ and ‘peace’ movements have no word of con­ demnation for this. “The Women’s In tern ation al League for Peace and F ree­ dom has 37 connecting organizations. Plans are now being made for a special car to carry speakers around the coun­ try spreading th e ir propaganda. This organization is promoting the Slackers Oath.”

TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT Good news for those •afflicted w ith the “ white plague.” A recent statem en t from Dr. Moellgaard, the Dutch scien­ tist, who is in correspondence w ith some th irty thousand physicians to whom he is giving first-hand inform ation concerning “sano-crysin,” th e newly discovered remedy for tuberculosis. He is proposing a visit to the United States shortly to give a series of lectures explanatory of his tre a t­ ment. He is said to have accomplished some cures of advanced cases. DOYLE NEVER DOUBTS DOYLE Conan Doyle is dead su re th a t President H arding called from the sp irit land for his wife and th a t she responded a t once. He says several American presidents have been sus­ ceptible to psychic influence and are keeping tab on earthly affairs. And says, fu rth er, th a t it is a historical fact th a t Abraham Lincoln was a psychic and by th a t means won the Civil War. Doyle has no doubts regarding his own theories, bu t doubtless th e re is coiled up in his brain cells some of th e same m aterial which causes men to doubt God’s Word and believe the devil’s lie, as did Mrs. Eve. BANKING BOXES FOR WAGE EARNERS In one of th e large banks in St. Louis th e re are over 15,000 persons ren ting boxes in th e vaults. It is in teresting to note th a t 90 per cent of those people belong to what we call the working class. This saving habit was one good resu lt of the war. W age earners began by. buying L iberty Bonds. They found out the advantages of saving th e ir money and they have gone on buying other securities. This is ju st one of many other answers to the calam ity howlers, th e iconoclasts and indus­ tria l disturbers.— Exchange. CROSS AT THE CROSS WORDS One of th e Police Commissioners of New York City ordered both the radio and cross word puzzles banished from the Police D epartm ent and suggested th a t pistol prac­ tice and m arksm anship take th e ir place. He says: “The men are spending too much tim e in looking up two­ toed sloths and th ree-lettered A ustralian birds or attem p t­ ing to tu n e in on ‘Honolulu.’ I w ant them , from now on, to spend th e ir spare tim e in ta rg e t practice. I am tire d of hearing about h alf a dozen policemen and detectives empty­ ing th eir guns a t a crook w ith no damage done on either side except th a t th e crook invariably escapes.” WILL IT BE “WOE-MAN” OR “WO-MAN” ? A newspaper comment concerning th e coming crisis for men asks th e question, “W ill it be male or fem ale?” and says: “Are we approaching a political evolution th a t one day will resu lt in political parties Male and Fem ale? Texas and Wyoming elected women Governors, New York a woman Secretary of State, and New Jersey a woman Con­ gressman. These were the first women ever elected to the position of Governor in th is country, and New York’s Secretary of State is th e first woman to hold a S tate office there. The New Jersey Congresswoman, who is a Demo­ crat, we almost said was fittingly elected on a ‘w et’ p lat­ form. She is the sixth woman to be sent to Congress, but th e first one from the East. Throughout the country there are a considerable number of women in the S tate Legis­ latures, having defeated th e ir male opponents. So it is no t too much to expect th a t one of these days the Female p arty will sail its h at into the ring and make th e men hustle. California women are already seeking a woman candidate for Governor and preparing for a hot fight.” Take off your hats, gentlemen, and prepare for th e worst!

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