King's Business - 1925-02

February 1925

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs. L ym an S tew art, S u p t.— Tw enty-f ive W om en E ngaged in H ouse to H ouse P erso n al W ork, Bibl e C la sses an d Sou l W innin g Clu bs . F ru it from The Euodia Club

she was worse th an ever and was commonly known as the “ tough of the town.” ; I kep t on praying. This year we opened the class w ith a little party, and of course a lot of girls came, among them , this girl. I didn’t see her again for two weeks, when she came to the class w ith another girl. She seemed very much interested and asked a num­ ber of questions. A fter class she lingered, and when asked if she would stay and have a little ta lk she seemed happy to do so and asked, oh, so many questions! She seemed to be overwhelmed w ith her sin, and wanted to tak e Christ bu t was afraid to. We talked un til almost d ark when she finally yielded to Him. Next week I scarcely knew her— she even looked different. She was happy, b u t she had had a te rrib le struggle to hold out against sin. She came to the class for strength, and th ere again was brought face to face w ith Christ, h er strength. Was she transform ed? L ast Tuesday 1 couldn’t help bu t lift my h ea rt to God in thanksgiving for her, as she sat there, oh, so interested, and drinking in every word. A R eal “Widow’s M ite” Very few people seem to realize w hat a generous giver th e Bible In stitu te is. No m a tte r when or where th e call comes for help, if workers are available, they are sent re­ gardless of distance or denom ination. Are th ere adequate retu rn s for all the outlay of money, tim e and streng th? Only in etern ity can th a t question be fully answered, but even now we see much. Many souls are won for the Lord, believers are bu ilt up in the faith, weak disciples are led out of “ fak e” cults, young men and women are brought into the train ing school, and many chil­ dren saved. Momentary retu rn s seem poor in comparison w ith the work accomplished. If people could realize th a t heaven pays dividends many more would w ant to invest. Today I want to tell you the story of someone who has invested all the money she had. During one of our m eet-' ings a t an Old Ladies’ Home, one of the old folks said, “ I am so happy today, and I w ant to tell you why.” As I sat down beside her she began: “Y ou-rem em ber giving me some scraps of silk a long time ago? Well, I sewed them all tog ether and made a baby’s com forter, and when the Club ladies invited us to a Thanksgiving dinner, I donated it to th e lady who had th e youngest baby. L ast week, a lady and gentlem an visited me bringing w ith them a little boy about four years old, who was introduced as th e one who had the com forter when he was a baby. When they left, the gentlem an gave me a five dollar gold piece!” “That was fine,” I replied. Quite excitedly she said, “W ait un til you have heard all. I w ant you to be my mes­ senger and tak e th a t five dollar gold piece to th e Bible Insti­ tute, because they are so kind in sending us a teacher.” I said, “ But don’t you w ant it to buy extra sugar, bu tte r and eggs?” “No,” she said, “ I can get along very well w ith the food provided, and I do so w ant to give it to th e Lord. It is all I have, and you m u st take it.” Then squeezing the gold piece into my hand, and shu tting her eyes as if speak­ ing to th e Lord, she exclaimed, “Oh, I am so happy.” T ruly the Lord loves “ hilarious givers,” and “ little is much if God is in it.”

work is among the girls of G rammar and High chool age. The g reatest joy which has come to le in th is work during the past few years has een th a t of seeing from day to day and week to

week so many transform ed lives; and the one outstanding th ing to me is th a t when a girl takes th e Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior she immediately w ants all h er friends to take Him too, and does h er utm ost to win them for Christ. I w ant to tell you about two girls who accepted Christ two years ago. They live across th e stree t from each other, and they found th a t two of th eir playmates,— little boys— did not know anything about Jesus. These little boys had never been to Sunday School (one of whom was nine and th e other five), and th ere was no Bible in th e ir home. The girls began to teach them about Jesus. Each week they would come to me for help, and I wish you could have seen th e ir enthusiasm and th e ir earnestness as they tried to win th e ir playmates for Christ. They certainly gave them real Gospel messages, and made th e way of salvation as simple and as plain as day to the little fellows. Today, two years later, these girls are ju s t as busy seek­ ing others for Christ. They never miss Euodia, nor do they ever miss reading a chapter in th e ir Bible each day, and they have a long prayer list of unsaved girls for whom they pray each day. Two T ransform ed Lives Then I w ant to tell you about a transform ed life and a definite answer to prayer. About two years ago R u th came into one of th e classes. I don’t believe I ever had a girl who was as restless or hard to manage. I used to wish some­ times th a t she wouldn’t come. I talked w ith her several times about her soul’s salvation, bu t couldn’t ever get any­ where w ith her. This year when th e class sta rted she didn’t come, and I must adm it th a t I was almost glad. But one day I called on her mother to find out why she wasn’t coming. The mother was surprised th a t she h adn ’t been attending and said th a t she would be there next time. R uth came next tim e and caused as much trouble as usual, bu t afte r class she came to me and said th a t she wanted to take Jesus as h er Saviour. I spent almost an hour dealing w ith her, and th is tim e when she said “Yes” to the Lord I felt th a t it was genuine. Was she transform ed? The next week she came to th e class a completely changed girl. She brought four other girls w ith h er and got all four to stay afte r class and accept Christ. R uth is no longer “ a nuisance” bu t a joy and help in the class. She is not only happy in the Lord b u t w ants all her friends to know Him too. Three years ago, in ano th er little town where I have a class, a .girl in th e fifth grade came to th e class one day. She never came again th a t year, bu t I was told th a t she was deep in sin. I began to pray, and asked God for th a t g irl’s soul. The next year she came two or th ree times. I still prayed. L ast year she didn’t come a t all, and I was told

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