King's Business - 1925-02

February 1925


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

doubt would have been glad to see us bu t for tb e existing circum stances and a hot headed “ little fellow.” We imm ediately sensed th e deeper cause, i.e., th a t the “P rince of Peace” had already had one victory and now the “ prince of the power of th e a ir” was doing all possible to hinder th is European Prince from finding salvation or, if a Christian, from fellowship. However, we rejoiced in th e fru it already gathered, and left books and literatu re for those we could not interview . Haw and G race- Not often do we v isit the vessels afte r d ark , b u t we were led one n igh t to visit one of th e larg e Japanese passenger boats enroute for South America. This visit was an enjoy­ able one for we were able to reach many more of the steer­ age passengers th a n ever could have been reached during the excitement of the day. Many of the Chinese and Ja p ­ anese were sitting around in groups, some talking, some playing games, some reading and others idle. God raised up a Christian to in te rp re t for us as we gave out literatu re and talked about th e Lord Jesus. We stayed un til many began to retire and th en went into th e first class cabin where we found two ladies. We do not as a ru le deal much w ith th e opposite sex b u t were led to do so th is evening. We sa t down, talked over God’s plan of salvation and then offered to introduce them to our Lord by a personal accept­ ance on th e ir p art of Himself. One lady accepted Him and the other postponed. We were sorry, b u t gave h er some special literatu re and left it, all in His hands.. Leaving the cabin and stepping out on th e boat deck our atten tion was directed to ano ther lady standing and smok­ ing a cigarette. Offering h er a copy of The K ing’s Business, we asked if she had traveled much on the w ater. If so we knew she would enjoy more reading m atter. H er answer was in the affirmative, so we said, “No doubt then you are acquainted w ith some very suggestive facts. At sea we have to obey the laws of navigation, i. e. th e ch art and compass, in the engine room the engineers obey th e laws of mechanics, etc. If we disobey these laws we suffer, if we disobey the laws of our body we suffer,” and s6 on. Then we spoke of th e sp iritual law of life which is in Christ Jesus. We asked if she wouldn’t be glad to leave San Pedro tru stin g th e Lord Jesus for her own salvation ju st as th e navigator tru sted the laws of navigation. An affirmative answer being received, we offered prayer and gave instruction regarding th e Christian life. We noticed th a t during th e conversation th e cigarette had been put away, and a soul had been reaching out to some One who could satisfy th e cravings of mind, _body and soul. Would you like to visit one of these vessels w ith us? Perhaps th is is impossible, bu t you can have a share if you will bu t pray while we work, and the God of all grace will streng then , encourage, and rew ard justly. . ' ate ate WORK AMONG THE JEWS Jam e s A. V aus, S u p t.— Bible classes an d P erso n al W ork, S tre e t M ee t, ings an d S em i-m onth ly M as s M ee tings fo r Jew s of L os An gel es . OD’S faithfulness in answering th e prayers of a young Jewess, who was not perm itted to live to see the answer, b u t who, before she died, had th e assurance from God th a t h er prayers for h er loved ones would be answered, is illu strated in the following in cid en t: Ju st before th is Jewess departed to be w ith h er Lord she said to her brother, “ I would be glad to die if only through my death you m ight be b rough t to know th e Lord Jesu s.”

Through th e death a younger sister was led to p u t her tru s t in Jesus Christ as her Savior. She fu rth e r expressed the confidence th a t whether she lived or not God would save h er atheistic brother. He was later converted. As some of our readers will recall, th e one g reat ambi­ tion of th is young man, afte r his conversion, was to see his mother and seek to win her for th e Lord. Recently the w riter was called to Glendale to baptize th is young convert, and though exhorted by Jewish relatives to forego this step, he was baptized as he requested. His physical condition, which was steadily becoming worse, necessitated th e presence of his mother, and for sometime p ast she has been his nurse. A t various tim es some of our Hebrew -Christian w orkers have spoken w ith the m other about the things of th e Lord. The conversion of h er. oldest d augh ter and her peaceful “ home-going” had made a deep impression upon the mother, and much of th e usual Jew ish prejudice was not in evidence. H er son’s conversion still fu rth e r deepened the favorable impression of Christianity, and afte r repeated talk s w ith th e son and w ith our w orkers she, one day in th e presence and th rough the urging of the same w orker th a t had led her son to the Lord, was persuaded to yield and receive Jesus Christ as her Savior. SPANISH WORK R o b ert H . B en der, S u p t.— Gosp el M ee tings a n d H o u se to H ouse am o n g 50, 000 M ex ic an s in L os A ngel es an d V ic init y. “ How th en sh all th e y call on H im in w hom th ey h av e n o t b eliev an d how sh all th ey bel ie ve in H im of w hom th e y h av e n o t h e a r |N our work among the Mexicans we find many who know about Jesus Christ, bu t have never had th e way of salvation explained to. them . If we find th is condition here in a so-called Christian land, what m u st it be in Mexico w ith a population of fifteen m il­ lion people? The following incident will illu strate : In one of th e Mexican colonies we have th ree fam ilies who have accepted Christ as th e ir Savior. One of the women ,said she had never heard th e Gospel and had not even seen a Bible. These fam ilies have since experienced th e joy of salvation and have w ritten and sent trac ts and Gospels to th e ir relatives in Mexico. In every instance they have gratefully acknowledged them and asked for more literature,* thu s showing how hungry they are for the Bread of Life. No doubt th ere are thousands living in th e moun­ tains and remote d istricts where a m issionary never crosses th e ir pathway. One of the families, mentioned above, expects to re tu rn to Mexico in the near fu tu re and dis­ trib u te Gospel lite ra tu re in these isolated towns. The Seed is th e Word Recently two unconverted young men retu rn ed to Mexico and, a t th e request of th eir Christian friends, took a large quan tity of trac ts for distribution. Unless the Lord wills otherw ise, we tru s t we shall be able to go down to th is field, tak ing w ith us a num ber of Mexican young men and teach them to scatter the precious seed, the Word of God, th roughou t the length and breadth of th e land. There is no reason.why we cannot have a work in Mexico sim ilar to th a t which th e Bible In stitu te has in China under th e direction of Dr. Keller. F riends, th is is the vision th e Lord has given us. Who will join us in prayer th a t God will supply th e needed funds and th e men who can go? The other day a young man accepted the Lord in one of our railro ad camps. In speaking w ith him, I said (Continued on page 94)

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