King's Business - 1925-02



February 1925

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Pointers for Preachers and Teachers

LIVING WATER (John 4 :1 4 ).

“HAVE YOU GOT IT ?” “Have you got it? ” is a question often asked now. I remember being asked this, and I could not help reply­ ing, “ I have got HIM, and w ith Him all th e its.” God does no t give us Christ piecemeal, bu t wholly. We have a whole Christ, or no Christ. Now, while God does no t give us a single blessing ap a rt from Christ, yet in and w ith Him we have all sp iritual bless­ ings. As a m a tte r of fact th a t is tru e to every believer, bu t as a m a tte r of experience it is not always so. “ I have lost my peace,” groaned a sain t one day. We replied, “Have you lost your Saviour?” “Oh, n o ! " “ “Well, then, He is our peace.” “I forgot th a t.” Ju s t so; lose sigh t of Christ, and away go your feelings; and the way no t to get your feelings back is to look for them : th e way to get th em back is not t o ,look for them , bu t to look to HIM. Remember there, is in Christ for you a fulness of acceptance, th erefo re do not doubt H im ; th ere is fulness of peace, therefo re tru st H im ; th e re is fulness of life, therefore abide in H im ; there is fulness of blessing, therefo re delight in Him; th ere is ful­ ness of power, th erefo re w ait upon Him; th e re is fulness of grace, th ere­ fore receive from Him; th e re is ful­ ness of love, therefo re be taken up w ith H im ; th ere is fulness of teaching, therefore learn of H im ; th ere is ful­ ness of joy, therefo re rejoice in Him; th ere is fulness of fulness in H im ;' therefore be full in H im ; th ere is ful­ ness of riches, therefo re count upon Him; th e re is fulness of streng th , therefo re lean upon Him; th e re is ful­ ness of light, therefo re w alk w ith H im ; and there is fulness of energy, therefore be subject to Him. This full Saviour is for one class, of people only. Who are they? Receiv­ ers. W hat does th e Word say? “As many as received Him, to them gave He the rig h t to become children of God” (John 1:12, R. V .). I remember saying to a man, in Glasgow, “W ill you receive Christ as your Saviour by a definite act of your w ill?” He replied, “ I will,— I do.” “Then,” I said, “ all th a t Christ has is yours.” Having a full Saviour we are made “ full in H im” (Col. 2:10, R. V .). W hatever blessing we need, Christ is th a t blessing, if we tak e Him as such. Have no blessing ap art from Him. Make Christ your every blessing, and when He is yours, you have every blessing (Eph. 1 :3 ). — F. E. Marsh.


1. Source: “ I” (Jesu s). 2. P rice: “ Shall give him” (free ). 3. Assurance: “Shall be In him ." 4. Q u an tity : “A well of w ater.” 5. Quality: “Springing up” (living). 6. D uration: “ Into everlasting life.” 7. P articip ato rs: “Whosoever.” 2. Conditions: “ d rink eth ..” 9. R esults: “ never th irst.” — The Christian. FIVE “MUSTS” OF THE RTRT.E 1. “W hat m ust I do to be saved?” (Acts 16 :30 ). 2. “ Ye m ust be born again” (John 3 :7 ). 3. “Whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4 :1 2 ). 4. “ I must abide a t thy house” (Luke 1 9 :5 ). 5. “We m ust all appear," etc. (2 Cor. 5 :1 0 ). —H. G. CHRIST AND THE BELIEVER 1. Christ above th e Believer (Acts 7 :5 5 ). 2. Christ beneath the Believer (1 Cor. 3 :1 1 ). 3. Christ before th e Believer (Jo h n 8 :1 2 ). 4. Christ behind th e Believer (Rev. 1 : 1 0 ). 5. Christ beside the Believer (Isa. 41 :10 ). 6. Christ w ithin the Believer (Gal. 2 : 2 0 ) . —W. S. B. “UNDERSTAND” A command (Dan. 8 :1 7 ). An impossibility in the n atu ra l man (Dan. 8 :2 7 ). A possibility th rough the Bible (Dan. 9 :2 ). A possibility by special revelation, before th e Holy Spirit was given (Dan. 9 :2 2 ). A reiterate d command (Matt. 24: 15). A glorious possibility and accom­ plished fact (John 5 :2 0 ). H allelujah! —H. H. FAITHFULNESS 1. A necessary quality for a ser­ vant of God.-—1 Cor. 4:2. 2. Its solid foundation is the Lord — 1 C.or. 4:17. 3. It is closely associated w ith sin­ cerity.— 2 Cor. 2:17. 4. When it enters o th er things go out.— 2 Cor. 4:2. 5. It brings a testimony in the life. — Heb. 3:5. 6. It becomes a p art of every act of life.— 3 John 5. 7. I t may win a crown of life.— Rev. 2:10. — Echoes.

1. Overburdened. 2. Surfeiting. 3. Drunken. 4. Unprepared.


1. A covetous h ea rt v. 14. 2. An insolent h ea rt v. 14. 3. A hypocritical h e a rt v. 15. 4. An abom inable h ea rt v. 15. 5. A lawless h ea rt v. 17. 6. An adulterous h eart v. 18. 7. A self centered h ea rt vs. 19-21. 8. An unchanged h eart vs. 22-28. — H. R. B. CHR IST ’S DEATH We do well to remember Him who died on our account, for th a t death is— 1. The basis of fa ith ’s confidence (Rom. 4 :2 5 ). 2. The spring of love’s service (2 Cor. 5 :1 4 ). 3. The window of hope’s expecta­ tion (1 Thess. 4 :1 4 ). 4. The joy of reconciliation’s bless­ ing (Rom. 5 :1 1 ). 5. The motive of affection’s re­ gard (1 John 3 :1 6 ). 6. T he soul of th e believer’s praise (Rev. 1 :5 ). 7. And th e them e of th e Gospel’s w itness (1 Cor. 15:3, 4 )ffi—Exchange. CHR IST ’S HOUR Again and again we have a specified time stated in the hour of His destiny to die. 1. Destined hour in th e tim e of God’s eternal purpose; hence, He was th e Lamb slain from before th e foun­ dation of the world (1 Pet. 1:19, 20). 2. Determ ined hour of Scripture’s prediction, as prophesied through Dan­ iel (Dan. 9:25, 26). 3. Divine hour of God’s atonement as typified in the day of atonem ent (Lev. 16:29-34). 4. Defined hour of sin ’s climax, for it was in th e end of th e ages He ap­ peared to pu t away sin by the sacrifice of H imself (Heb. 9 :2 6 ). 5. D emonstrated hour of God’s love, for it was in “ due tim e” (th e ap­ pointed tim e) God commended His love towards us (Rom. 5:8, 9). 6. D istinct hour of the appearance of God’s grace in bringing salvation (T itus 2 :1 1 ). 7. D istinguished hour of tim e and eternity, of which Christ declared, “The hour is come” (John 12 :23 ). — P rophetic News.

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