King's Business - 1925-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February 1925

H E w ant to th ank th e “Defenders of the F a ith ” for th e ir splendid loyalty and efforts in seeking to in terest others to join our Band and also in secur ing new subscribers for The K ing’s Business, which greatly aids us in our campaign in behalf of Christ, our Leader. Our Lord Jesus Christ loves all believers and desires th e ir cooperation in th e g reat work for which He came into the world,— bu t He also loves th e sinners. We are ap t to overlook th a t fact. We have th e Bible, and we must be loyal to it and defend it against teachers and preachers and others who seek to belittle it and thu s hinder th e work of soul-saving; but we m u st also keep constantly in m ind th a t Christ died for all men; th a t He loves all men; th a t He loves the vilest sinner. One of th e saddest things in our present day church life is th e failu re to sense th is fact. If th e love of Christ is accentuated in us by th e Holy Spirit we will love all classes of people. Never forget th a t from the lowest walks of life have come some of th e shining sta rs of the, church. Our Lord says, “ I came not to call th e righteous, but sinners to repentance.” He was holy, harm less, undefiled, b u t He bore the sins of the world. He was rich, yet for our sakes, He became poor (2 Cor. 8 :9 ). He loved a blind beggar, and the whole .of th e ninth chapter of the Gospel of John is used to tell us the story. W hat we need most of all is ju s t th e fulness of His love, manifested to us by th e Holy Spirit, and then we w ill love the lost for whom Christ died. H ere are “Twelve Don’ts ” for your m editation. Read them carefully. Each one deserves careful consideration. TWELVE “DON’TS” FOB PERSONAL WORKERS (1) Don’t parad e yourself as a “personal w orker.” You are an ambassador from Heaven’s court, bu t your Lord never paraded Himself. (2) Don’t assume th a t you “know it all.” The more you know, the more humble you will be. It is th e “ ligh t­ w eight” people who do the boasting. A Sp iritu al Uplift, Joy and In sp iration I wish to add my testim ony to th a t of many others as to th e sp iritual up lift of The K ing’s Business. It comes to me as a joy and inspiration each month.” (L. M. S., Pennsylvania.) F inds I t Indispensable in P rep aring H er S. S. Lesson , ust °?n t tell you how much I appreciate The King s Business. I feel it is indispensable in my 7 PrePa r^tion for my large Sunday School class.” (N. S„ North Carolina.) More Than “Gems and Diamonds” on “Ind ia’s Coral S trand ” “ I am very thank fu l to you for the blessed K ing’s Business. It is more to me th an gems and diamonds. P raise be to our God A lmighty in Christ through His Holy Spirit! My g ratefu l thanks, my earnest prayers are for your g reat work. If you could send me some old copies they are sure to be greatly used in the sal­ vation and blessing of souls.” (J. D., [Native w orkerl India.) J

(3 ) Don’t seek to a ttra c t atten tio n to yourself. Remem­ ber th a t you are representing th e m eek and lowly Jesus. (4) Don’t deal w ith any one in th e m id st of a crowd, if you can avoid it. No one will be honest w ith you under such circumstances. Get your subject alone where you can ta lk quietly w ith him. (5) Don’t try to hamm er people in to th e faith . Lovingly use th e Sword of the Spirit. T h at only has power. (6) Don’t do all th e talking. Give th e inqu irer an oppor­ tunity. Often it is wise to listen un til he has given his views and then ask for th e privilege of presenting God’s side of th e question. .(7) Don’t be afraid of th e face of any one. You have your orders from the King of kings, but— don’t boast. (8 ) Don’t believe everything men say. We know th a t all men are liars, and never more so th an when denying th eir own sinfulness and need of a Savior, and the au tho rity of the Scriptures. (9) Don’t g et in to ru ts in your approach to men. Be natu ral, and they will have more confidence in you. (10) Don’t be discouraged if your w ork seems fruitless. Jesus didn’t win all. Some to whom He preached, p u t Him to death. But God’s Word cannot fail. (11) Don’t p ro crastin ate and pu t off till tomorrow what you should do today. There, is no prom ise for tom or­ row. (12) Don’t fo rg et to p ray while you work. You can be praying while you are talking, and prayer is the g reat supplement to th e Word of God. SEVEN “DO’S” TO ACCOMPANY THE “DON’TS.” (1) Be N atu ral

(2) Be Courteous (3) Be Considerate (4) Be Definite (5) Be Courageous (6) Be P rayerfu l (7) Be P ersisten t


The K ing’s Business Made H er a “Defender of th e F a ith ” “I began to take The K ing’s Business six years ago, and have been a ‘Defender of the F a ith ’ ever since reading afte r such wonderful men as w rite for your magazine.” (Mrs. W. G. S., Miami, F la.) A D elightful and Satisfying P o rtion in A u stralia “ I would like to express my g reat satisfaction with The K ing’s Business. It is a delightful magazine, so helpful, suggestive and inspiring. I look forward each month to receiving it— so tru e to the Word of God.” (E. S. M., A ustralia.) Talks abou t th e K. B. Every Day; Goes to Sleep P ray ing fo r I t “ I enjoy The K ing’s Business more than all the sermons I hear. Too much good cannot be said of it. Am talk ing it daily and go to sleep praying for its fu tu re in th e world-field th a t is so ripe for its work.” - (L. E. M., Des Moines, Iowa.) •

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