T he K ing ’ s B usiness Motto: “ I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day,** Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING TH E BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES T . C. HO RTO N, E d ito r-in -C h ief R. H. RIC HARDS, B usin ess M anager CON TR IB UTO RS DR. R. A. TORR EY DR. LEAN DER S. KEYS ER DR. FRE NCH E. OLIV ER DR. JO HN M. Mac INN IS WM . JEN NIN DR. A. C. DIXON_______DR. J. FRANK NORRIS ___________DR. L. W . MU NH ALL DR. F. W. FA RR DR. CHAR LES R TH IS MAGAZIN E s ta n d s for th e Infall ib le W ord of God, a n d fo r its g re a t fu n d am en tal d o ctrin es. ITS PUR POSE is to s tre n g th e n th e faith of all belie vers, in all th e w o rld ; to s tir th e ir h e a rts to engage in definit e C h ristian w o r th em w it h th e v a rie d w o rk of th e Bible In stitu te of Lo s A n g ele s; an d to w ork in h arm o n y an d fel lo w sh ip w ith th em in m p erso n an d w or k o f o u r L o rd J e su s C h rist, a n d th u s h a ste n H is co m in g. Volume XVI February, 1925 Number 2
Table of Contents
Editorials Page A President’s P rayer..................................................................................... -....... 5 1 Finger Prints vs. Nail Prints................................................................................52 The Poison Preachers and Professors..... .........................................................52 The Menace of the Moss...............................................................................__5 3 Applying the Implied............................................................................................. 53 The Evidence of Experience.......................................... 54 A Challenge From The Children’s G a rden ........................... 54 Contributed Articles The Threefold Program of the Trinity— Dr. Mark A. Matthews............56 The Consecration of Courage— Dr. J. C. Massee...................................... ...5 7 Nanyoh— China at Worship— Dr. John M. Maclnnis................................. 58 Evolution of Man— The Verdict of History— Theo. G raebner.............. 60 Divisions of Bible Doctrine— Dr. F. E. Marsh...............................................62 The Reasonableness of Miracles— T. T. Holloway.....................................63 A Pressing Need— Burton L. Nay......................................................................65 Personal Christian Work— A. W. Orwig...................................................... 83 Is America Becoming P agan?—^“Old Fossil” ............................................ 84 Fine Gold (A Serial S tory) Josephine H ope W estervelt.................................. 66 Current Comment ........................................................................................................... 6 7 Our Bible Institute in Hunan Province (C h in a ).................................................... 68 Evangelistic D epartm ent (Interesting Soul. Winning Stories from Real Experience) ............................................................................. 69 Pointers fo r Preachers and Teachers (Hom iletical H e lp s )................................72 The Family Circle (F o r Fellowship and Intercession)..........................................73 P ractical Methods of Personal W ork (F o r Defenders of the F a ith ).............. 74 Welcome W ords from the Family Circle.................................................................. 74 Christian Endeavor Topics............................................................................................77 Children’s G arden ............................................................................................................ 75 Outline Studies in the Book of Ju d e .......................................................................... 78 Bible Institute Happenings............................................................................................ 79 Whole Bible Lesson Outline......................................................................................... 82 Best Books ........................................... -........................................................................... 86 Finger Prints ............................................................................................ .........................88
rT E , D ]VA G $1. 25 p e r y e a r (in clu d es tw elve m o n th ly issu es of larg e * m agazin e sectio n, an d fo u r q u a rte rly issu es of com ple te S unday S ch o o l.lesson se c tio n ). Sing le co pies 20 cen ts. F o reig n Co un trie s (in clu d in g C an ad a) $1 .50 p e r y ear, o r 7 Shil lin gs E n g lis h mon ey . C lu bs of 10 o r m ore 25 cen ts red u ctio n on each su b sc rip tio n se n t to on e o r to se p a ra te ad d resses a s preferred . D 171V4T’ 1111 A M P F S hould be m ade b y Ba nk D raft, E xp ress o r 1 1 p . o. Mo ne y O rder, p ay ab le to th e “Bib le In s titu te of Lo s Angeles.** R eceip ts will n o t b e se n t fo r reg u lar su b scrip tio n s, b u t d ate of ex p iratio n w ill sho w p lain ly , each m o n th , on o u tsid e w ra p p e r o r co v er of m agaz in e. MANUSCRIPTS T he K in g’s B usin ess ca n n o t a c c e p t resp o n sib ility for lo ss o r dam ag e to m a n u sc rip ts sen t to it fo r co n sid eratio n .
P lease sen d b o th o l d an d n e w ad d resses a t le a st on e m o n th p r e v i o u sto d a te of d esired change. Much co nfusio n a n d d elay wil l b e av o id ed if o rd er fo r books a re sen t d ire ctly to th e Bi ola Book Room 536-558 S. H ope St. , L os A ngele s, C al if ornia , in ste a of being enclosed in m ail in ten d ed for T he K in g’ B usin es s.
E n tered a s Sec ond C la ss M a tte r N ovem ber 17, 1910, a t th e P o s t O a t L os A ngel es , C alif ornia , u n d er th e A c t of M arch 3, 1879. A ccep tan ce for m ail ing a t special ra te of p o sta g e p ro v id ed fo r S ectio n 1103, A ct o f O cto b er 3, 1917, au th o rized O cto b er 1, 191
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