February 1925
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S _______________________________ 79
B i b l e I n s t i t u t e H a p p e n i n g s Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. L u th e r (Thak- la Lang, ’2 1 ) ,have le ft Sedro Wool- ley, Wash., where Mr. L u th er was pastor of the Bap tis t Church, and have gone to F o rt W orth, T e x a s , where Mr. L uther will attend the B aptist Seminary. Mr. and Mrs. L J . H azelton (nee M argaret F u lle r), ’22„ are located at Wibaux, Montana, where Mr. Hazel- ton has a pastor ate. They are looking forward to going to South America next year. Jo h n W. F a l coner, ’24, San Francisco, w rites in a le tte r to Mr. Foster, Student Secretary: “For the la st few weeks I h a v e b e e n p r e a c h i n g in Qlivet P resbyter ian Church, which i s m y h o m e church. The Lord has been bless ing my m inistry th ere.” Miss G ertrude I. Seamens, '24, w rites from Yuma, Arizona: “T h e Lord gave me a wonderful vaca tion th is summer, among Christian friends and in the P alom ar M o u n tains, and gave some opportunity to w i t n e s s for Him. I am a t home now, where I am continuing to ‘w ait upon the L o r d , u n til He r e n e w s m y stren g th ’.” V i c t o r F o rd
Dr. Jo h n Mar vin Dean, pastor of th e F irs t Bap tis t C h u r c h of Pasadena, is lec tu rin g t w i c e a week to the Post G raduates. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dennis are re covering front the effects of quite a serious automobile accident. We tru s t Mrs. Dennis will be able to resume her work on the F acu lty in a few months’ time. The Bible In sti tu te has been for tu n a te in securing as in stru c to r of Organ, Mr. A lfred A. B n t l e r, for some years con nected w ith Po mona College. Mr. B u tler has done extensive work in m u s i c abroad, having been a stu d en t of Guilmant in Paris. Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Cook and baby recently ar rived in Los An geles from Mich igan. Miss A r i s t a Staley, ’18, left in October for New Y o r k , to re tu rn soon to Africa. M. L. Thomas, ’18, has taken the pasto rate of the F irs t P resbyterian Church of S a n Pedro. Carl A ldinger, ’19, has recently tak en charge of th e B aptist Church a t Clinton, N. Y. Mrs. J e n n i e Funk,, ’23, h a s a daughter, M i s s Mabel, who is at tending B. I. th is year. Bess K err, ’23,
w rites from Xenia S e m i n a r y , St. Louis: “ I like the Sem inary location here. It is put of the city. . . . . . There are nu merous Gospel centers and churches where our blessed Lord and Savior is upheld. It rejoiced my h ea rt to visit some of them last Lord’s Day.” . (Continued on page 81)
David Campbell, ’24. is attending Occidental College. The students and Faculty of the Bible In stitu te recently had the plea sure of welcoming Dr. Maclnnis home from China.
is now assisting Rev. MacLennan in th e F irs t P resbyterian Church of Hollywood. Miss M argaretha Guenther, ’22, is tak ing n u rse’s train ing a t the Method ist Hospital in Los Angeles.
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