King's Business - 1925-02

February 1925

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S _______________________________ 79


B i b l e I n s t i t u t e H a p p e n i n g s Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students



Mr. and Mrs. O. B. L u th e r (Thak- la Lang, ’2 1 ) ,have le ft Sedro Wool- ley, Wash., where Mr. L u th er was pastor of the Bap­ tis t Church, and have gone to F o rt W orth, T e x a s , where Mr. L uther will attend the B aptist Seminary. Mr. and Mrs. L J . H azelton (nee M argaret F u lle r), ’22„ are located at Wibaux, Montana, where Mr. Hazel- ton has a pastor­ ate. They are looking forward to going to South America next year. Jo h n W. F a l­ coner, ’24, San Francisco, w rites in a le tte r to Mr. Foster, Student Secretary: “For the la st few weeks I h a v e b e e n p r e a c h i n g in Qlivet P resbyter­ ian Church, which i s m y h o m e church. The Lord has been bless­ ing my m inistry th ere.” Miss G ertrude I. Seamens, '24, w rites from Yuma, Arizona: “T h e Lord gave me a wonderful vaca­ tion th is summer, among Christian friends and in the P alom ar M o u n ­ tains, and gave some opportunity to w i t n e s s for Him. I am a t home now, where I am continuing to ‘w ait upon the L o r d , u n til He r e n e w s m y stren g th ’.” V i c t o r F o rd

Dr. Jo h n Mar­ vin Dean, pastor of th e F irs t Bap­ tis t C h u r c h of Pasadena, is lec­ tu rin g t w i c e a week to the Post G raduates. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dennis are re­ covering front the effects of quite a serious automobile accident. We tru s t Mrs. Dennis will be able to resume her work on the F acu lty in a few months’ time. The Bible In sti­ tu te has been for­ tu n a te in securing as in stru c to r of Organ, Mr. A lfred A. B n t l e r, for some years con­ nected w ith Po­ mona College. Mr. B u tler has done extensive work in m u s i c abroad, having been a stu ­ d en t of Guilmant in Paris. Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Cook and baby recently ar­ rived in Los An­ geles from Mich­ igan. Miss A r i s t a Staley, ’18, left in October for New Y o r k , to re tu rn soon to Africa. M. L. Thomas, ’18, has taken the pasto rate of the F irs t P resbyterian Church of S a n Pedro. Carl A ldinger, ’19, has recently tak en charge of th e B aptist Church a t Clinton, N. Y. Mrs. J e n n i e Funk,, ’23, h a s a daughter, M i s s Mabel, who is at­ tending B. I. th is year. Bess K err, ’23,

w rites from Xenia S e m i n a r y , St. Louis: “ I like the Sem inary location here. It is put of the city. . . . . . There are nu­ merous Gospel centers and churches where our blessed Lord and Savior is upheld. It rejoiced my h ea rt to visit some of them last Lord’s Day.” . (Continued on page 81)

David Campbell, ’24. is attending Occidental College. The students and Faculty of the Bible In stitu te recently had the plea­ sure of welcoming Dr. Maclnnis home from China.

is now assisting Rev. MacLennan in th e F irs t P resbyterian Church of Hollywood. Miss M argaretha Guenther, ’22, is tak ing n u rse’s train ing a t the Method­ ist Hospital in Los Angeles.

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