February 1925
EVOLUTION OF MAN— THE VERDICT OF HISTORY (Continued from page 61) of th e beginning of history for the Greeks, and it began w ith a Golden Age. The Chinese point backward to th eir beginning time, a sort of “ first heaven.” P rescott found w ell-m atured legends of a Golden Age in Mexico, and of a paradise for th e ancient Peruvians on T iticaca’s shores. We h ear of ruined cities in Yucatan and New Mexico th a t indicate an age of civilization for each of these lands far back of the savage conditions found in them by white men, and vastly superior. The aboriginal earthw orks scattered over sections of our own Southland tell certainly of a civil ization exceeding and an tedating the best our fath ers found among the Choctaws, Cherokees, and Chickasaws. Mr. McCann very properly asks: “Why do th e Haeck- elites of th is generation reso rt to a rowboat load of m uti lated skull-caps, fragm ents of thigh bones and grossly de fective skeletal rem nants to support th e ir theory of an ascending evolution from the ape when here, now, alive in th e world, they find countless m illions of overwhelm ing proofs of universal degeneration from th e ideal prim itive described in the Word: ‘And God created man in His own image: in the image of God He created him .’ ” W here today is the H indu race th a t could build the Taj Mahal? Dr. P atterson asks: “W hat Greek race today could reproduce the arch itectu re or sta tu a ry of th e ir ancestors? The ru in s of all eastern and many western lands point to fallen races as well as ruined structures. The world’s his to ry is th a t of th e fall of g reat nations such as Egypt, Baby lonia, Greece, Rome, in all of which are sad examples of arch itectu re and peoples alike in decay.” W hat overwhelming proof of decay of human intelligence is told in the lecture of Wendell Phillips, “The Lost. A rts” ! Consider the marvels of the engineer’s a rt as told by Phil lips. “You may visit Dr. Abbot’s museum, where you will see the ring of Cheops, the pyram id builder. The signet of the ring is about th e size of a q u arte r of a dollar, and the engraving is invisible w ithout th e aid of a glass. No man was ever shown into th e cabinets of gems in Italy w ithout being furnished w ith a microscope to look a t them. It would be idle for him to look a t them w ithout one. He couldn’t appreciate the delicate lines and th e expression of the faces. If you go to Parm a, they will show you a gem once worn on the finger of Michelangelo, of which th e engraving is two thousand years old, on which th ere are the figures of seven women. You m ust have the aid of a glass in order to dis tinguish the forms a t all. . . . Layard says he would be unable to read th e engravings at Nineveh w ithout strong spectacles, they are so extremely small. Rawlinson brought home a stone about tw enty inches long and ten wide, con tain ing an en tire treatise on mathematics. It would be per fectly illegible w ithout glasses. Now if we are unable to read it w ithout th e aid of glasses, you may suppose the man who engraved it had p retty strong spectacles. So the microscope, instead of dating from our time, finds its b ro thers in the books of Moses.” As a m atter of fact, evolutionists adm it th a t th ere has been no change whatever in the hum an race during the p ast 30,000 years. As Dr. Sayce says: “The whole appli cation of a supposed law of evolution to the history of the ancient oriental world, is founded on what we now know to have been a huge m istake. The Mosaic age, instead of com ing a t the dawn of ancient O riental culture, really belongs to the evening of its decay. The Hebrew legislator was su r rounded on all sides by the influences of a decadent civil ization.”
And so we m ight proceed indefinitely, showing th e first and oldest' Gothic cathedrals, those a t Amiens and Rouen, were never surpassed; th a t no Epic poetry has ever been w ritten th a t surpassed the earliest Epic poems, those of Homer. Conversely, the Koran, or Bible of the Mohamme- dans; is centuries later than th e New Testam ent, hence ought to be a g reat improvement on it, and th e Book of Mormon on th e Koran, and Mrs. Mary Baker P atterson Eddy F ry e’s tex t book of Christian Science a vast improve m ent on th e Book of Mormon. As a m a tte r of fact th e re is so g reat deterioration in these m anufactured religions th a t one m ight aptly say even th e devil is degenerating. How, in view of th e degeneration observable in human history, serious stud en ts can still m aintain th a t th ere is evi dence of an evolution from lower to higher forms of civ ilization, under n atu ra l law, passes comprehension. There can be no statem en t more directly opposed to the facts of history th a n th e claim of P rofessor Conklin of Princeton, who says th a t “ everything goes to show th a t evolution has always been progressive.” Everything goes to show th e very opposite. 'S k HE ’LL W IPE THE TEARS When dtrfkness shrouds your lonely path,
And long and d reary seems the way; With aching h eart and tearfu l eyes You sigh in vain for break of day, O pilgrim , then look up; behold! A bright light shining in the sky, The “B right and Morning S tar” appears; H e’ll wipe the tears from ev’ry eye. He comes to bind the broken h eart; He comes to make the darkness lig h t; To guide your weary feet to find The blessed morn th a t hath no night. And when your soul shall joyful rise To its celestial home on high, The Lord will lead you tenderly; He’ll wipe the tears from ev’ry eye. In pastures green ye shall lie down, And re st beside th e living spring; Oh, joy of joys! when heaven is gained Ye shall not w ant for anything, F o r th ere will be no pain nor death; Ye shall not sorrow, n either cry, F o r God Himself shall be you? God; H e’ll wipe the tears from ev’ry eye. —Amelia M. S tarkw eather.
SWANSEA JOHANNESBURG MOSBOROUGH G LY N N V IV IA N M IN E R S ’ M IS S IO N Interdenom inational— Evangelical— Evangelistic O U R D E B T T O M I N E R S ! | k T hey ad d to o u r p h y sica l com fort. W hat a re we doing for th eir spiritual needs? T h o u san d s of read ers a re w ante d to p u rch ase an Illu stra te d S to ry te ll ing of a rem ark ab le conversio n, a n d its w id esp read resu lts. . See— j “F ire and Fuel,” P rice Sixp enc e, b y J. T. BUDD. j SW AN SE A a sk s for a M o to r C arav an m JA PAN nee ds a “ F o rd ” M o to r ^ 53 SPA IN nee ds G osp el s fo r new openings U JOHANNE SBUR G is p rep arin g for a M iss io n H all Z P resid en t— LORD RADSTOCK V ice-P resid en t— A dm ir al S ir GE ORGE KIN G HALL, K.C .B . Ho n. T rea su re r, A dm ir al C urrey, Glynd e, Suss ex , E ngland R ef ere es — Rev . Dr. J. S tu a rt Holden, Rev. W. G raham S croggie , Rev . B arclay F. Bu xto n, Rev . W . F ull er Go oc h, T he above B ookle t m ay be o rd ered d ire c t from th e S ecretary , UNIO N STR EE T HALL, B rig hton, E ngland, w ho w ill also su p p ly co llectin g card s. N.B. £1000 e x tra need ed in new su b sc rip tio n s in 1925 to m ain tain ex istin g mi ss io ns. ¿ ^ A m e ric a an d C anada please s ta n d b y in th ese “ perilo u s tim es.” F R A N C E R U S S I A S P A I N
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