King's Business - 1925-02



K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February 1925

What Scroggie Does forYou EVERY week W. Graham Scroggie, Britain’s fore­ most Bible teacher, offers yùu a help' that you can get nowhere else on the International Uniform Sun­ day School Lessons. He gives: ■ Historical Setting, showing setting of the book in thé Bible, setting of the chapter in that book, setting of the lesson in that chapter. Verse by Verse .Expository Meaning give's the meaning of the text, and interprets its language and teaching. The Homiletical Form gives the lesson’s message for use by teachers; it is a lesson analysis greatly in demand. The Topical Value suggests vital themes. The Practical Aim shows the devotional message for both pupil and teacher. This is but one of sixteen different features on the Uniform and Whole Bible Course appearing every week exclusively in Qty? ^ r l u m l ® tm ? a Published Every Week Yet a reader writes, “I get the, value of my investment in your paper ;many times over before I reach the Sunday-school lesson.” One of the most widely circulated woman’s maga­ zines in America recently wrote to an inquirer who asked help on a personal problem: “We would suggest that you write Mother Ruth, care of The Sunday School Times, stating your prob­ lem to her. She is a wonderful woman, who gives advice to all young women who wish her to advise them, and we are sure that you will get just the right kind, of an answer.” , Â Times reader writes: “Having received your valuable paper for ten weeks on the “Get-Acquainted” plan, and having found it all I had hoped and more. I desire now to renew for a year. I value W m it so. highly I expect to take it the bal- y y '(V 113 ance of my life.” It is $2 a year, or $1,50 in clubs of five or more c o p i e s , either, to separate a d d r e s s or one ad­ dress. Or try the “Get A c q u a i n t e d ” o f f e r .

THE NEW WHOLE BIBLE LESSON COURSE HE Lesson Committee of the Christian Funda­ mentals Association m et a t th e Philadelphia School of the Bible, December 4-6, to prepare a new series of lessons in the “Whole Bible Sunday- school Course,’’ which so far extends only to March 31, 1925. A fter prayerful consideration the course outlined below was decided upon, to cover th e period from April 5 to December 27, 1925. I t was though t th a t a course on the Fundam en tal Doctrines, such as is here offered, would be p articu larly acceptable a t a tim e when contro­ versy is rife in practically every denom ination, and when many Christians have been confused as to w hat God’s Word really teaches. The Lesson Committee hopes to hold ano ther meeting early in 1925 for th e purpose of preparing lessons for 1926- and possibly beyond th a t year. The new course for the last nine months of 1925 is as follows: 1. April 5.— The Bible: The Word of God (Psa. 19). 2. April 12.— The Bible: Inspired of God (2 P et. 1). 3. April 19.— The Bible: Its Subject and Purpose (2 Tim. 8 ). 4. April 26.—-God the T rinity: His Power and Deity (Acts 17:24-31). 5. May 3.— God the F ath e r (John 8:33-44). 6. May 10.— God the Son: His Pre-existence (John 1:1 — 18). 7. May 17.— God the Son: His Incarnation (Matt. 1:18- 25). 8. May 24.— God the Son: His Substitutionary Sacrifice (Heb. 10:1-25). 9. May 31.— God the Son: His R esurrection and Ascension (1 Cor. 15:1-20). 10. Jun e 7.— God the Son: His P riestly Ministry (Heb. 7: 11-28). 11. Jun e 14.— God th e Son: His Coming for His Saints (1 Thess. 4:13-18). 12. June. 21.— God the Son: His Coming w ith His S aints (Rev. 19:11-2 llf£S| 13. Jun e 28.— Review (John 14:1-17). 14. Ju ly 5.-—God the Holy Spirit: His P ersonality (John 16:7-15). 15. Ju ly 12.— God the Holy Spirit: His Advent (Acts 2: 1 - 21 ). 16. Ju ly 19.— God th e Holy Spirit:. The Anointing (1 John 2:18-28). 17. Ju ly 26.— God the Holy Spirit: His M inistry Rom. 8: 1-27). 18. August 2.— Man: His Creation (Gen. 1:26-31; 2:7, 18- 25),. 19. August 9.—Man: His F all (Gen. 3:1-24; Rom. 5 :12- 14). 20. August 16,-—Satan: His Personality and Power (M att.' 4:1 -11 ). 21. August 23.— Satan: His Work and Destiny (Eph. 6:10- 20; Rev. 20:1-10). 22. August 30.—Angels: Their N ature and M inistry (Heb. 1:1 to 2 :4 ). 23. Sept 6.—Sin: Its Character and Universality (Jas 1- 13-15; Rom. 3:10-18). 24. Sept. 13.— Sin: God’s Remedy for it (Rom. 3 :19 -31 ). 25. Sept. 20.-^-Difference Between Law and Gospel (2 Cor. ■ 3). 26. Sept. 27.— Review (Gal. 3). 27. Oct. 4.— Salvation from the P enalty and Guilt of Sin (Rom. 4:1-25). 28. Oct. 11.-—Salvation from the Power of Sin (Rom 6 ‘ 1-23). 29. Oct. 18.— The Church: Her Membership (Eph. 2 ). 30. Oct. 25.— The Church: H er Mission (Acts 1:1-11- 15- 13-18). 31. Nov. 1.— Love (1 Cor. 13). 32. Nov. 8i— P rayer (John 15 :7 ; 16:24-27; 1 John 3:21 22; 5:14, 15). 33. Nov. 15.— Service (1 Thess. 1; Eph. 2 :1 0 ). 34. Nov. 22.-^Thanksgiving" (Eph. 5:18-21; Phil. 4 :1 -2 0 ). 35. Nov. 29.—-Judgm ent of Believers’ Works (1 Cor 3-11- 15; 2 Cor. 5 :10 ; Rev. 4). 36. Dec. 6.— Judgm ent of the Nations (Matt. 25:31-46). 37. Dec. 13.— Judgm ent of the Wicked (Rev. 20:5, 11-15). 38. Dec. 20.— E tern al S tate of the Redeemed (Rev. 21:1-3- 22:1-5). 39. Dec. 27.— Review (Rev. 1).

Sunday School Times Company Box 1550, P h ilad elp h ia, P a.

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