TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February 1925
PERSONA!. CHRISTIAN WORK Personal Christian work does not wholly consist i n 'a n endeavor toi se cure th e salvation of the unsaved, momentous as is such work. And cei> tainly all God’s people ought to he thu s engaged. The Bible . freely en joins it. But th ere is often need for real per sonal work in helping weak, discour aged and feebly instructed Christians. “Comfort ye my people,” is th e divine injunction. And having ourselves been instructed in th e Holy Scriptures, as to doctrine and duty, we should be somewhat “ ap t to teach,” or engaged in “teaching and admonishing one an o th er.” And th ere are some who fall into sin, or are “ overtaken in a fau lt,” and need help. It may be our per sonal work to “ restore such in the sp irit of meekness.” The Church has many weaklings or “ babes in Christ,” and an essential p a rt of personal C hristian work is ÿî'righ tly dividing the word of tru th ,” to “ feed” the “sheep” and th e “ lambs,” and “ to succor them th a t are tempted.” Such work not only belongs to preachers outside of th e pulpit as well as in it, .bu t to th e laity as well, “ according to th e g race th a t is given to us.” The preacher who is content w ith pulpit work alone comes far sho rt of duty and misses the blessings derived from private or personal contact w ith people in an effort to win them to Christ. An unsaved man, who very often attended a certain church and knew th e preacher well, said to him, “You do no t seem to tell sinners how to be saved, and you have never spoken a personal word to me about my soul’s salvation.” In gratifying con trast is th a t of th e preacher who asked a man on the stree t if he was a Christian, and received the reply, “T h at is quite a personal question.” To th is the preacher answered, t.T know it is and m eant it to be such, h u t asked in the in te rest of your soul.” There are professors of religion who are w illing to do general church work, bu t not such fes involves a per sonal effort to save ¿ouls. A preacher asked a member of his church if he would give a gospel stre e t ta lk on a Sunday afternoon. Thé man said he would gladly do so. His pastor then asked him if he would do some real p rsonal work by speaking to some of th e unsaved men where he was em ployed in a large bank. “Oh, th a t’s different,” was th e reply, implying a lack of holy courage to do some “ hand-picking” work. God help us to single out some of th e unsaved and prayerfully strive to lead them to th e Lord Jesus Christ. “ Perchance in heaven, one day, to me Some ransomed soul will come and say, ‘All hail, beloved! h u t for thee My soul to death had been a prey.’ Ah, then, w hat sweetness in th e thought, One soul to glory to have b ro u g h t!” Los Angeles. A. W. Orwig -rWURCII FURNITURE. Pews» Pulpits» Chairs» Altars» Book
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