King's Business - 1925-02



February 1925

ipO n™«™ ««««««««««»" you say. Well let us examine th e sub­ ject ju s t a little. This country was largely settled by those of P ro testan t . faith. Its government was established by men who feared God; who held the Bible to be His revealed will, in fall­ ible, in erran t. They believed th e rec­ ord in Genesis as being a satisfactory explanation of the creation of the earth including its plant and animal life. They believed, w ithout question, the w riters of th e four Gospels, who I give an account of th e b irth , m inistry, m iracles, d e a th s ; resurrection, • and ascension of Jesus. They believed the prophecies concerning th e Virgin B irth : th e testim ony of th e Angel to Mary th a t th e child whieh would be born to h er should be called th e Son of God. They believed th e words of Jesus, when He said, “He th a t hath seen me h ath seen the F a th e r,” and “ I and my F a th e r are one.’’* This is th e Jesus they believed in and th is is the Jesu s of th e Bible. Tills Jesu s is the only legitim ate object of worship for Christians, and God th e F ath e r has not only appointed H im an object of worship for all m ankind bu t “When He bringeth in the first begotten into the world,. He saith ,, And let a l l the angels of God worship H im” (Hebrews 1 : 6 ). , But someone may object: “Do not all P ro testan ts worship th e Jesus of i the B ible?” They certainly do not. Who, then, is th e object of th e ir wor- : ship? A Jesus of th e ir own concep­ tion ; th e Jesus of th e Modernist. And who is the Jesus of th e Modernist? The son of Joseph (or some other m an ). The Modernist’s Jesus is a mere man, and worship of any man breaks the first commandment, and is idolatry. But let us consider th eir Jesus fu rth er. The Jesus whom they have EVOLVED is th e illegitim ate off­ spring of a libertine father, and a mother who had b artered v irtu e for th e gratification of lust, yet th is is the Jesus whom they so eloquently des­ cribe as “The G reat Teacher” , “The Exem plar.” Is it any marvel th a t so many churches are dead spiritually? Is it [ IS AMERICA BECOMING PAGAN? By , One who Signs H imself “Old F o ssil!” To answer th is question, I will ask ano ther: “W hat is it to be pag an ?” A pagan nation is a nation whose peo­ ple are largely, or wholly, given to idolatrous worship. Ido latry Is the | worship of idols, Images, or anything not God. We P ro testan ts regard those who accord veneration or worship to images of Jesus, as idolatrous. We know the adheren ts of th a t faith are numerous in America. Added to th is large mass, are th e v ar­ ious cults and issues which flourish in th is land so blessed w ith m aterial comforts, and freedom from political or religious despotism. Then th e re is ano ther considerable class;:—-the out­ rig h t unbelievers; and still another large class, th e unchurched, th e care­ less, the unconcerned, th e indifferent. But all these do not constitute the j menace of paganism. Where then does the menace lie? I believe it lies w ithin th e P ro testan t Church. Unthinkable! impossible!

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