TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February 1925
any wonder so many are asking: “How can we hold our young people?” W hat are th e conditions confronting the rising generation? Evolution in many of th e high schools, colleges, and uni versities; th e Bible trea ted as myth ical, allegorical, or pure fiction. If they chance to go to church on Sun day, and a Modernist speaker occupies the pulpit, they will probably h ear a discourse on evolution, or biology, then Jesus is eulogized and held up as an object of reverence. All of which is idolatrous worship, for worship ac corded to any being or th ing other th an God or His Son is idolatry, and th eir Jesus is not th e Jesus of the Bible. Do you stand appalled a t the im morality th a t prevails in our high schools? Then look at the Modern ist’s Jesus. Do you wonder a t the ever increasing wave of crime th a t is sweeping over th e country, and desire to know its cause? Then note how the teaching of th e Bible in th e schools has been superseded by the teaching of evolution. H igher critics have aired th eir views from pulpits and through the printed page. Now comes Modern ism, which seems to be a compound of th e two, and by reason of th e fact th a t so many of th e leaders w ithin our P ro testan t churches are giving th eir tim e and ta len t to destroying “the faith once delivered to the saints,” I feel justified in answering th e ques tion, which heads th is article, in the affirmative, and venture to make the prediction th a t, if the worship of th is spurious Jesus of Modernist construc tion continues a t th e present ratio, in th e next generation, or the one suc ceeding, it will be tru e th a t America HAS become pagan. OUT ON liIF E ’S MIGHTY SEA (Melody— “Nearer, My God, to Thee.” ) Out on life’s m ighty sea, O God, to Thee, I pray th a t Thou my Guide W ilt ever be; For o’er life’s troubled sea There’s none can guide like Thee, No, none like Thee. Out on life’s m ighty sea, Storms may arise And hide th e g litt’ring stars F rom upturned eyes; But on th e raging sea There’s none can guide like Thee, No, none like Thee. Out on life’s m ighty sea, W ith Thee, my Lord, As captain of my bark, My C hart Thy Word, No harm can come to me. There’s none can guide like Thee, No, none like Thee. Out on life’s m ighty sea, O unsaved one, Yield now th y h ea rt to Christ, God’s loving Son;
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A. W. Orwig.
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