King's Business - 1925-02


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February 1925

On this Bible, on April 30, 1789, George Washington took his oath of office as President o f the United States. One hundred and thirty-two years later, Warren G. Harding took his oath on the same book. I t is shown opened at the exact page kissed by these two c h i e f executives of the United States. The sudden death of President Harding made it necessary for Mr. Coolidge to take the o a t h of office in his father’s farm house in Vermont, where he happened to be visiting at the time. On March 4 he will be s w o r n in at Washington.

THE BOOK T H I S great country in which we live was founded on the Bible. These pictures should be a reminder and a. rebuke to our nation. Now in our country the Bible is no longer revered, but is now renounced in many of our churches and schools. In one of the South American States, an official recently said: “The differ-

of BOOKS ence between the United States and South America is that in this country they came seeking gold, and in your country they came seeking God.” Keep this page before your family, and thank God fervently every morn ing and night for the Bible, pledging yourself anew each day to defend it by lip and life.

This Bible was owned by Abraham Lincoln. I t is probafbly the very Bible from which our great War President sought strength a n d courage d u r i n g the dark days o f t h e C i v i l W a r . (Cuts are used by courtesy of American Bible Society and “Farm and Fireside," in which publication they first appeared). This page will be reproduced on a separate sheet and sent to you for a two cent stamp.

HOLY BIBLE; 11 I I < o • . THE OLD AHb^NKlW'U I T f b . r t ME N T 'm .

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