February 1925
Best Books Any book reviewed or advertised on these p a g e s may be obtained from Biola Book Room, 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. The Story of a Whim, by Grace Liv ingston Hill. Another in teresting and helpful story from th is well-known w riter of charm ing, wholesome, sto r ies for young folks. You will enjoy it. (Lippincott & Co.) $1.25 Robben Island, th e Home of the South American Leper, by Jam es W. Fish. A th rillin g story of thirty-four years of service for the Lord among lepers. An Illu stratio n of and incen tive to Christians to serve the Lord where He calls. The book is beauti fully illu strated . (John R itchie) Modern Religious L iberalism , by John Horsch, w ith introduction by Dr. Jam es M. Gray of the Moody Bi ble In stitu te. Dr. W. B. Greene, Jr., of P rinceton, says: “Thé au th o r dis cusses the ‘New Theology’ from, it would seem, every possible viewpoint and clearly shows th a t th e old and the new can no more be fused than can oil and w ater.” (B. I. Colportage Ass’n) $1.50 One Thousand B est B ible Verses, w ith P ractical Helps for memorizing, by J. B. Smith. A booklet of 120 pages, w ith h earty commendations by both Dr: J a m e s M. G r a y and th e late Dr. Griffith Thomas. We commend it also, and are su re th at it will prove helpful in many ways, to Bible-loving peppje. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n.) Bible Soul-W inners, by Louis Al bert Banks, D. D. Some soul-stirring addresses w ith th e strong, stu rdy note characteristic of Dr. Banks, whose evangelistic addresses have always been received w ith h earty approval. Fou rteen chapters, w ith fourteen char acters, illu strating th e power of the Gospel, and calculated to inspire the reader to renewed zeal in the giving of th e Gospel. (Revell) $1.50 The Two of Us in Africa, by Dicie M. R ittenhouse, w ith illu stration s by Griselda Marshall McClure. A charm ing story told in th e language of two children^—one th e d augh ter of a mis sionary, the o ther a little orphan black girl. Splendid descriptions of African customs and m issionary life, especially in teresting to th e young people. (Revell) $1.50 A Doubter’s Doubts About Science and Religion, by Sir Robert Anderson. To use the name of “Robert Ander son” as an author, is sufficient recom mendation for any publication. To those who desire ■ to have th e ir faith strengthened and memory stored with ammunition w ith which to contend for the whole Word of God, we h ea rt ily commend th is volume. (Pickering & Inglis) $1.50 B lackboard Outlines, by George A. Crapallo, B. D. A series of talk s to children and young people, supple mented by blackboard outlines and other form s of pictorial illustrations. (Continued on next page)
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Re the late Rev. W. H. Griffith Thomas, D. D. ' I 'H E P rom o te rs a n d T ru ste es of T he Al l India Bible a n d M edical S cho ol (In c.) d esire to an n o u n ce th a t a fte r m uch p ra y e rfu l th o u g h t, it h as b een decided to p e rp e tu a te th e m em ory of o u r belo ved d e p a rte d b ro th e r b y esta b lish in g a DR.W. H. GRIFITHTHOMASMEMORIALFUND o f,n o t less th a n $6 0, 00 0. 00 . T he an n u al inc om e from th is, it is expec te d, will p ro vid e fr ee b o a rd a n d tu itio n fo r a b o u t F ifty N ativ e S tu d en ts each y ear. Dr . T hom as h ad show n de ep in te re s t in T h e All India Bibl e an d M edical Sc hool p ro je c t, an d if God h ad sp ared him, wo uld h av e been a v alu ab le m em ber of its B o ard of T ru ste es. H is co lle agues, how eve r, fee l it im p erativ e to e sta b lish a w o rth y Me mo ri al to him, an d a re gla d to say th a t M rs. G riffith T hom as h a s h e a rtily ap p ro v ed , an d feel s th a t th is is ju s t th e k in d of a M emori al h er d ear h u sb an d w ould like. T he hope of th u s sen d in g o u t in to C h ristian w ork a, b o d y of fif ty new ly tra in e d W o rk ers each y e a r is m o st in sp irin g . It is e arn e stly hoped th a t all who h av e been benefite d th ro u g h o u r b ro th e r’s m in istry will d esir e to sh a re in m akin g it possib le to e sta b lish th is w o rth y M emori al. PLEA SE SEND FOR BOO KLET RE GARDIN G TH IS, WH IC H CONTAIN S A FORE WORD BY TH E REV. R. A. TOR RE Y, D. D. G if ts an d c o n trib u tio n s should be se n t to th e T re a su re rs in U. S. A. WM . S. W ILL S, 1214 P en n sy lv an ia B uildin g, P h il adelp hia, P a. W . B. PERCIVAL. M. D.. 21 00 K ir kw ood A ven ue, P asad en a. Cal. (N o te: T he Rev. A rth u r H arries an d M r. W atk in R. R o b erts, rep resen tin g th e B ritish T ru ste es o f th is m ovem ent a re now in Am er ic a, and. m ay b e com m u n icated w it h a t th e ab o v e a d d ress.)
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