King's Business - 1925-02




February 1925

Best Books Any book reviewed or advertised on these p a g e s may be obtained from Biola Book Room, 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. The Story of a Whim, by Grace Liv­ ingston Hill. Another in teresting and helpful story from th is well-known w riter of charm ing, wholesome, sto r­ ies for young folks. You will enjoy it. (Lippincott & Co.) $1.25 Robben Island, th e Home of the South American Leper, by Jam es W. Fish. A th rillin g story of thirty-four years of service for the Lord among lepers. An Illu stratio n of and incen­ tive to Christians to serve the Lord where He calls. The book is beauti­ fully illu strated . (John R itchie) Modern Religious L iberalism , by John Horsch, w ith introduction by Dr. Jam es M. Gray of the Moody Bi­ ble In stitu te. Dr. W. B. Greene, Jr., of P rinceton, says: “Thé au th o r dis­ cusses the ‘New Theology’ from, it would seem, every possible viewpoint and clearly shows th a t th e old and the new can no more be fused than can oil and w ater.” (B. I. Colportage Ass’n) $1.50 One Thousand B est B ible Verses, w ith P ractical Helps for memorizing, by J. B. Smith. A booklet of 120 pages, w ith h earty commendations by both Dr: J a m e s M. G r a y and th e late Dr. Griffith Thomas. We commend it also, and are su re th at it will prove helpful in many ways, to Bible-loving peppje. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n.) Bible Soul-W inners, by Louis Al­ bert Banks, D. D. Some soul-stirring addresses w ith th e strong, stu rdy note characteristic of Dr. Banks, whose evangelistic addresses have always been received w ith h earty approval. Fou rteen chapters, w ith fourteen char­ acters, illu strating th e power of the Gospel, and calculated to inspire the reader to renewed zeal in the giving of th e Gospel. (Revell) $1.50 The Two of Us in Africa, by Dicie M. R ittenhouse, w ith illu stration s by Griselda Marshall McClure. A charm ­ ing story told in th e language of two children^—one th e d augh ter of a mis­ sionary, the o ther a little orphan black girl. Splendid descriptions of African customs and m issionary life, especially in teresting to th e young people. (Revell) $1.50 A Doubter’s Doubts About Science and Religion, by Sir Robert Anderson. To use the name of “Robert Ander­ son” as an author, is sufficient recom­ mendation for any publication. To those who desire ■ to have th e ir faith strengthened and memory stored with ammunition w ith which to contend for the whole Word of God, we h ea rt­ ily commend th is volume. (Pickering & Inglis) $1.50 B lackboard Outlines, by George A. Crapallo, B. D. A series of talk s to children and young people, supple­ mented by blackboard outlines and other form s of pictorial illustrations. (Continued on next page)

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Re the late Rev. W. H. Griffith Thomas, D. D. ' I 'H E P rom o te rs a n d T ru ste es of T he Al l India Bible a n d M edical S cho ol (In c.) d esire to an n o u n ce th a t a fte r m uch p ra y e rfu l th o u g h t, it h as b een decided to p e rp e tu a te th e m em ory of o u r belo ved d e p a rte d b ro th e r b y esta b lish in g a DR.W. H. GRIFITHTHOMASMEMORIALFUND o f,n o t less th a n $6 0, 00 0. 00 . T he an n u al inc om e from th is, it is expec te d, will p ro ­ vid e fr ee b o a rd a n d tu itio n fo r a b o u t F ifty N ativ e S tu d en ts each y ear. Dr . T hom as h ad show n de ep in te re s t in T h e All India Bibl e an d M edical Sc hool p ro je c t, an d if God h ad sp ared him, wo uld h av e been a v alu ab le m em ber of its B o ard of T ru ste es. H is co lle agues, how eve r, fee l it im p erativ e to e sta b lish a w o rth y Me mo ri al to him, an d a re gla d to say th a t M rs. G riffith T hom as h a s h e a rtily ap p ro v ed , an d feel s th a t th is is ju s t th e k in d of a M emori al h er d ear h u sb an d w ould like. T he hope of th u s sen d in g o u t in to C h ristian w ork a, b o d y of fif ty new ly tra in e d W o rk ers each y e a r is m o st in sp irin g . It is e arn e stly hoped th a t all who h av e been benefite d th ro u g h o u r b ro th e r’s m in istry will d esir e to sh a re in m akin g it possib le to e sta b lish th is w o rth y M emori al. PLEA SE SEND FOR BOO KLET RE GARDIN G TH IS, WH IC H CONTAIN S A FORE­ WORD BY TH E REV. R. A. TOR RE Y, D. D. G if ts an d c o n trib u tio n s should be se n t to th e T re a su re rs in U. S. A. WM . S. W ILL S, 1214 P en n sy lv an ia B uildin g, P h il adelp hia, P a. W . B. PERCIVAL. M. D.. 21 00 K ir kw ood A ven ue, P asad en a. Cal. (N o te: T he Rev. A rth u r H arries an d M r. W atk in R. R o b erts, rep resen tin g th e B ritish T ru ste es o f th is m ovem ent a re now in Am er ic a, and. m ay b e com ­ m u n icated w it h a t th e ab o v e a d d ress.)

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