King's Business - 1925-02


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February 1925

The Living Messages of th e Books of th e Bible, by G. Campbell Morgan, D. D. This is quite distinct from the au th o r’s “Analyzed Bible” and covers the whole range of Holy W rit from an original basis. Dr. Morgan pre­ sents in a most scholarly and helpful way, th e most sp iritu al messages or “ key-notes” of each of the separate books of th e Bible, applying them to | the individual, th e church and the nation today. Carefully arranged i detailed charts accompany each of the sixty-six divisions, showing the essen- ' tia l messages and th e ir application. Published in two volumes, $2.00 each, (Reveil). Man’s F irs t Disobedience, by Prof. Leander S. Keyser, D. D., Hamma Di­ vinity School. Here is a volume of 108 pages, th a t should be in the hands of every m in­ ister and layman who is seeking to defend th e faith as recorded in the first chapter of Genesis. As the author says in his preface: “ P erhaps no problem has caused g reater perplex­ ity to th ink ing people th an the prob­ lem of th e origin of sin and suffering. Why were they perm itted to introduce themselves into the world? Is the Bib­ lical teaching regard ing th e origin of sin and suffering adequate and reason­ ab le?” These questions are satisfac­ torily answered w ithin th is book, and we h eartily commend it. (MacMillan Co,, New York) $1.00 ,

The book has the tw in elements of anticipation and surprise. Teachers of children, as well as parents, are cordially urged to possess th is book. It makes possible tru e emphasis on needed tru th s. (Reveil) $1.50 Six N ights in th e Garden of Geth- semane, by Russell H. Conwell, D. D., au tho r of th e world-famous lecture, “ Acres of Diamonds.” In th is little volume, Dr. Conwell has given a rev­ eren t, delightfully tend er grouping of a number of P alestinian trad ition s re­ lated to him during one of his visits to the Holy Land, by the Greek priest in charge of th e Garden of Gethsem- ane. (Reveil) Sixty cents. W h a t to Teach and How to Reach th e Young,— a S piritual Hand Book, by George Goodman. Here is a book we can heartily recommend to preach­ ers and teachers who are definitely in ­ terested in reaching young people. P u ll of practical suggestions and illus­ tration s which cannot fail to prove of g reat value. We could earnestly wish th a t it m ight find a place in the li­ b rary of every .'earnest- lover of the young. (P ickering & Inglis) $1.50 H is Salvation, as Set F o rth in the Book of Romans, by Norman B. H a rri­ son, Bible Teacher, Evangelist, and P asto r of the “Old Brookes’ Church” , St. Louis, Mo. An Adult Bible Class Teacher says of th is book: “ It th rilled me th rough and through. I have read many books on Bible themes and sub­ jects, bu t never one th a t even . ap­ proached the deep spiritu ality , clear reasoning, and convincing statem ents of this volume.’'’ (B. I. Colportage Association) $1.00 . The V irgin’s Son, by John B. Cham­ pion, M. A., B. D. The inspiration of Scripture is the solid e a rth beneath the feet of the follower of Christ. The empty denial of th e Word of God by modern unbelief is the chasm. To pre­ vent those “ in th e way” from falling into th is void, th ere is bu ilt by this little book a fence of facts established in Christian experience and by revela­ tion of Holy W rit. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n..) $1.25 The Autobiography of Mary Jane, by “Mary Jan e.” A delightful and in ­ spiring chronicle of the development of a young, care-free and somewhat selfish maiden into a woman whose ripe experiences, acquired through years of self-denial and service, made her the rea l help-mate of a devoted m inister of the Gospel. You will laugh and cry as you th ink her thoughts, en ter ip im agination into her perplexities, disappointm ents and triumphs. (Christopher Pub Co.) $ 2.00 Outlines of Theology, by Archibald A. Hodge, D. D. A revised and en­ larged edition of a well known work by an au th o r whose name is synony­ mous w ith .evangelical and systematic .theology. The volume is comprehen­ sive and scientific in its presentation of the cardinal doctrines of th e Chris­ tian faith. Thoughtful laymen, as well as studen ts and m inisters, will find in it a text book of g rea t value and one which rings tru e to th e evan­ gelical faith. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n.) $5.00

1of P r a i s e A new religious song book th at is different. Interesting —Inspiring—S a tisfy in g . A great tre a t o f 165 b est so n g s—40 n o t found in other cu rren t books. W ill aid you in carrying ou t your program of Evangelism.

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PUBLISHED BY Tabernacle Publishing Co., Chicago, 111. F.O.B. following Distributors: (Single Copies Prepaid) BIO LA BO OK ROOM 536 So. H ope S tre e t, Lo s A ngel es , Cal if. GO OD ENOUGH & WOGLOM, 14 Vesey S tree t, Ne w Y ork, N.Y . TA BERNACLE PUBL ISH ING CO., 29 S outh L a S all e S tre e t, Ch ic ag o, HI. GEO RG IA SCHOOL BOO K DE POS IT ORY , IN C., 110 W. P e a c h tre e St. , A tla n ta , Ga. TE XA S SC HOOL BOO K DE PO SI TO RY , INC ., 2018-15 Ja c k so n S t., D allas, T exas r ■ a

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