King's Business - 1925-02


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February 1925

THE THREEFOLD PROGRAM OF THE TRINITY (Continued from page 56) th e power, th e mercy, th e goodness and th e saving qualities of God are to he yours, they are to come from God, through me, adm inistered by me, and distributed by me.” Three Definitions of th e Holy Spirit He states ano th er fact: “ I am going away. I am going back to th e F a th e r; but, I am not going to leave you w ith ­ out a representative, a Com forter.” There are th ree defini­ tions for th e w ord,“ Com forter” . F irst, as one g reat branch of the church says, “The second paraclete,” simply, “ Com­ fo rter.” The second is “ teach er.” The th ird , “ advocate.” F o u rth (or back to th e first), plain “Com forter.” I am talking about w hat God the F ath e r, God the Son. and God the Holy Ghost are doing now. They are operat­ ing, not individually nor directly, bu t jo in tly th rough the Holy Ghost. In other words, God is not ignoring th e other members of the T rin ity in bestowing benevolences. Jesus C h rist is not ignoring th e other members of th e T rin ity in saving souls. , The Holy Ghost is th e directly appointed executive of the T rin ity in th e world, doing the work of the T rin ity in the salvation of souls. God does not speak to any one except th rough th e Holy Ghost. Let us ta k e another step: The whole, question of the deity of th e T rin ity is settled in the deity of Christ. Jesus Christ, the etern al Son of God, who is one w ith th e F ath er, is God. And when you have adm itted th a t, you have adm it­ ted the existence of th e T rinity, the deity of th e T rinity, and the work of th e T rinity. T hat is th e reason, th e sole reason, those who do not believe in Christ are attack ing the T rinity. They have no reason to make an attack on the T rinity, except to b reak down Christ. And, they have no reason to attack Christ except to destroy His deity. There is not a man on earth making an attack on Christ because He is a m an; nor is th ere a man on earth deny­ ing the existence of the hum an Christ. There is not an infi­ del or earth , nor is th e re a man insane .enough who can deny th e stubborn facts of history. Therefore, every one who- makes an attack on Christ is making it to destroy belief in His deity. If He is God, th e T rin ity is God, and the vicarious atonem ent is th e established rou te back to God. There is no other way back to Him. The W ork of th e T rin ity Now, w hat does He’ say? That th e supreme business of th e T rinity is to save th e imm ortal soul. Think about th a t statem en t for a m inute. W hat does it mean. If you can th ink in comprehensive term s of God, and if you can begin to th in k of Christ as God, and th e Holy Ghost as God, and of th e marvelous work God 'h as done in creation-H the marvelous and incomprehensible things He has done— then you can see w hat it means for th e members of the T rinity to make the saving of the soul th e ir supreme business. “ But,” you say, if you are a superficial listener, “why doesn’t God pick him up and save h im ?” Because, God cre­ ated man a free moral agent; he did not develop into it. Had man developed into a free moral agent, God m ight have used some force on him. Had he evolved into a free moral agent, God, perhaps, would have used some other power. But God created him a free agent, and th a t is as much a p art of th e creative work of God as is th e creation of th e world. Therefore, if God makes th e agent free, God is not going to break th e reed, though it may be bent w ith sin and covered w ith the slime and muck of th e pit. That is th e reason God does not snatch him up and save him. God, th e sovereign of the universe, expressed His love for a lost soul, not because the soul was lovely, nor because

“ B e s t” B ib le C on co rd an ce

Cruden’s Complete Concordance

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S tro n g ’s C oncordance sh ows every w ord of th e te x t in th e K in g Jam e s v ersio n a n d every o ccu rra n ce of each w o rd in re g u la r o rd e r is listed . It a l­ so co n tain s a ‘ com p arativ e co n co rd an ce of th e au th o rized an d revised v ersio n s an d d ic­ tio n aries o f th e H eb rew an d Gree k w ords w ith references to th e E n g lis h w ords. W ei ghs 10 to 12 pounds, w rapped. P rice s, b u ck ram co v ers a t $7.5 0. H alf R u ssian a t $12. 50— c a rria g e e x tra.

Nelson’s New and Complete Concordance to the American Standard Bible This new Concordance is the first complete Concord­ ance ever issued to the Am erican Standard V ersion of the Bible— the most accu rate version .of the Holy Scrip­ tures in the English language. Five years have been occupied in its completion, d u r­ ing which time the editors and publishers have had con­ stantly in mind the problems of the Bible student. Com­ parisons have been made w ith oth er concordances and numerous improvements have been introduced to make a work so accurate, so fulli and so convenient th a t it will be an indispensable working tool in handling aright the word of tru th . Cloth, $5.00 If m on ey do es n o t accom p an y o rd er, goods will be se n t C. O. D. unless oth erw ise spec ifi ed . If books a re to co m e b y m ail ad d 10% fo r p o stag e . B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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