King's Business - 1925-02



February 1925

in the soul was righteousness and obedience, but, in spite of the unrighteousness and unloveliness, and in spite of the fact th a t th e soul was damned, God loved him. The Expression of Dove W hat next? This lovej&logically, will have expression. Why? Because God is holiness. The holiness of God is first, the love second, and the expression th ird . T hat love of God had its expression in Christ, the incarnate Son of God, who was w ith God, w ho.w as God, who became flesh th a t God’s love m ight have tangible, reachable, approach­ able, corporate form. You say,— “ look on a beautiful world; th a t tells God loves me.” It does not tell any such thing, except in the general sense of God’s general provi­ dence th a t made everything lovely for those He loved. But when you say “Jesus Christ, who is God in th e flesh, loves me, I can feel Him, touch Him, h ear Him, ta lk to Him, and know how to approach ilim ,” then you apprehend the tru th th a t God the F ath e r begat th e Son because He loved th e sinner, and sent the Son for the sinner. The Son, the second person of th e T rinity, acquiescing, comes and dies because the sinner’s death pu t out th e candle. Christ’s death lit the stars and made the path eternally b rillian t for the benighted soul to come, back to God. Christ said, “ God and I are one, bu t God can pardon.” Christ said, “ God cannot pardon unless th ere is p rop itia­ tion. It is God’s providence to pardon; it is m ine to pro­ p itiate.” W orking tog ether beautifully, are n ’t they? Here is God, in vicarious love, suspended above th e lost, doomed and damned soul. God cannot and will not directly make the connection. If the connection is made it must be made by th e second person of th e T rinity, and when Jesus fills th e gap between the suspended vicarious love of God, God cannot refuse nor w ithhold pardon from th e soul with whom Christ has made th e connection. God is not acting directly in making th e connection. T hat is why Job spoke of th e talesm an. The P salm ist spoke of the prop itiato r. Christ spoke of the fact, “No man com- eth to the F a th e r except (I make th e connecting link ) by me.” The T h ird Person of th e T rin ity Well, now, w hat has th e Holy Ghost to do w ith it? Christ said, “ I have finished th is work, I am going back to th e F ath er, bu t I am not. going to leave you com fortless.” Oh, how desolate and disconsolate th e world would have been if Christ had gone back and left us w ithout some mem­ ber of the T rinity! He said, “ I will not leave you com­ fo rtless,” bu t He did not say th a t H e was going to send th e Comforter. He said, “ I will ask th e F a th e r.” Why? Because th e F a th e r is th e P rovider; Christ is th e P ro­ p itiato r; th e Holy Ghost th e Com forter. God the F a th e r, th e Creator, the Lover; Christ the Executor; The Holy Ghost, th e R egenerator. Now, let us see what the Holy Ghost is doing. F irs t of all, th e Holy Ghost is the teacher. He is not th e revealer, in the sense in which you speak of revelation. F requently I h ear people say, “The Holy Ghost has revealed so and so to me.” The Holy Ghost has done no such thing. But Christ said, “The Holy Ghost will bring all things to your memory.” The Holy Ghost, since He took up His abode on earth as th e executive of the T rinity, has not u ttered one single new thought, nor revealed one single new th ing to a soul on earth. Get th a t clear. W hat does He say? He says th a t He will teach you all things th a t Christ h a th said and done. DO you notice where the dividing line comes in? In other words, here is the Bible. You know people are talk ing today abou t in terp re­ tations. There is no man on ea rth who has th e rig h t to

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