February 1925
F IN E GOLD (Continued from page 66)
“B e s t” B o o k s
things, and she urged him to borrow it from the church fund un til his next check was due. Again she remembered th a t she had urged him to speculate, telling him of several instances of men making fortunes ou t of a few thousand dollars. Sick a t h eart, she soon became almost fran tic, and again dressed herself, determ ined to tak e the m idnight tra in for home. Aunty Nell let Billie Bob sleep as late as he would the next morning, fo r she had a sad duty to perform and she dreaded it unutterably. A t last she could pu t it off no longer and broke the news to the little lad. He looked a t h er seriously. : “ I knew when he didn’t come last night, he would never come to Billie Bob again,’’ said the child. He did not weep, ju st slid off Aunty Nell’s knees and ran upstairs to his room where he stayed, so long and so quietly th a t Aunty Nell anxiously sought him. He was standing before his little dresser w ith a half dozen red ties in various stages of wear, in his hands. “Here, Aunty Nell,” he said, “ tak e these away, I will never wear them again. I used to like them long ago ’cause papa called me ‘Robin R edb reast’ when I weared them , and I never w ant anyone else to call me th a t again. I can hear papa’s love voice rig h t now and see ju st how his face looked when he called m e ." ^ : A t th a t th e little face changed, th e strang e reserve broke, and th e little lad fell to sobbing. Myrtle Morehouse upon her arriv al in Brooklyn w ent at once to th e hank and asked th e cashier for a statem en t of her husband’s account. She was told th ere had been an overdraft of a hundred dollars, a check dated th ree days ago, which had ju st come in th e day before. Upon inquiry she found th a t he had no other account th ere under any other name. She h alf hoped to h ear th a t th e church funds were in tact under ano ther account, bu t th is hope was sh at tered. Surely it must he somewhere, she frantically thought, yet she feared the worst. “What, Oh! w hat could she do?” was her only thought. When she reached home, she was still undecided. She did not go to Billie Bob, bu t left him to Aunty Nell. She shu t herself in h er room and refused to see any callers. In th e afternoon she telephoned Jack H armon, W ill’s life-long friend and college chum, whom she knew to be in Brooklyn fo r a few weeks. She resolved to te ll him all, and to ask his help. When he came, she began her story, b u t he cut it sho rt by telling her th a t th e funds for th e new church had been paid over to the board th a t morning; he had been delegated to see th a t th e funds reached th e rig h t party. He would tell her no more, and she dared no t ask. She and Jack apparently did not like each other very well. She always considered th a t Jack ’s influence ,on Will k ep t him back, and she knew th a t he disapproved of h er very much. Jack ’s visit, nevertheless, made her feel b etter; a t any rate, th e re was no disgrace staring her in th e face and so, her grief was imm easurably lessened. Billie Bob peeked in her room w ith his sad little face, and she bade him ru n away and play. She could not easily forget her selfishness even in her grief, and th e child an noyed her. Billie Bob wandered into th e back yard to play w ith his k itty and finally w ent over into B luebird’s yard, and called h er lustily. L ittle B luebird ra n out to him to find w hat he wanted. "Did you know my papa is drowned, and I’ll never see him any more ag ain ?” he asked her in awe-stricken tones.
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