King's Business - 1925-02



February 1925

EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 71)

A ll th e Y ea r ’R ou n d “B e s t” B o o k s By Andrew M urray If th ere ever was a man since the days of the Apostle Paul who has dwelt in the secret place of the Most H igh w here he could and did learn God’s best Secrets, th at man was A ndrew Murray. A nd he is giving us eight of these best secrets in this book,— T he secret of A do ra­ tion, The Secret of the Abiding Presence, The Faith Life, The Secret of Fellowship. The Secret of Inspiration, T he Secret of Intercession, and The Secret of United P ray er. W ritten in the last days of his long and useful life, this book brings his very last word to the Chris­ tian C hurch. T he book is made up of eight sections, each containing thirty-one short chapters. E ach chapter has a Scripture heading so th at it is particularly helpful when used for daily meditation. Cloth, $2.00 God’s Best Secrets

I hoped he would be able to re tu rn to Mexico and give the Gospel to the people, and he answered, “ God willing, I w ill.’’ A L ittle Child Shall Lead Them Through th e aid of our women studen ts we are reaching a large number of children, and th is gives us an entrance into the homes. One of the B.I.O.L.A. studen ts was teach­ ing a class on the steps of a Jew ish home bu t was driven away. A Catholic woman called to her to come and teach the class on the steps of her home, which she gladly did. Recently, the w riter was asked by Dr. A tkinson, Acting Dean of the In stitu te, to give a lecture to the stud en ts on “How to deal w ith Roman Catholics” in which we men­ tioned th a t Roman Catholics do not study th e Bible, and, therefore, are igno ran t of such questions as, “Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ? Is He your Saviour? Have you been born again? Are you converted? Have you peace w ith God?” They believe salvation is th rough th e church, and in regeneration by baptism . Hence, they th in k they are Chris­ tians if they h ear mass, confess a t least once a year, and do penance. Don’t ask a Catholic if he is a Christian. This would be an insult, for he is ta u g h t th at, being baptized, he is a Christian already. Don’t ask a Catholic if he believes in Christ, because they all believe in Christ, historically, but th a t does no t necessarily mean he is saved. A Catholic says he has always believed in Christ, b u t if you ask him if he is saved from sin, he will exclaim, “Only God knows.” In connection w ith next m onth’s report, we will show how to deal w ith them . In the meantime, pray! pray! th a t our work may extend into Mexico in the n ear future. B arn s a n d F ir e-E n g in e H ouses in Lo s A ng ele s M in any of our meetings has th e re been so ^ in te re s t m anifested as is manifested in our Meetings a t th e Pacific F ru it Express Com- *.—„, a t Colton* California. So rem arkable has been the in terest of th e men in th e meetings here in the Los Angeles Shops, th a t when some of them were tra n s­ ferred to Colton, some sixty miles away, the invitation was extended to come up th ere and hold meetings. As a resu lt once a month we have made the trip up th rough the valley th a t we m ight speak a t th e noon h o u r, to th is splendid group of men. Let me tell you of an experience of one of the men a t the meeting the last tim e we were there. S tanding before this splendid group we were led to sing a song, “Let Jesus Lead, He Knows th e Way.” A fter speaking to them for a few m inutes and allowing ju st a moment or two before the whis­ tle blew th a t they m ight get back to th e ir work, one of th e men came to us and said, “Mr. Reynolds, I have no t been living righ t, and while you were singing th a t song and speaking to us, I came to th e place where I am ready to take my stand for Christ, and live for H im .” W hat a blessing and satisfaction it was for us to show him th e way, for the Lord H imself said, “Him th a t cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” Despite the fact th a t th is Shop is a good th ree hours drive from th e city, we went away feeling it was well worth our tim e to go there, because of th e in terest th e men tak e in these services. Those who are interested in Shop-meetings in th eir own town are urged to sta rt sim ilar meetings, and if we could be of any help ju st a word from you is all th a t is necessary. WORK IN THE SHOPS M ar io n H . R eynolds, S u p t.— M ee tings He ld in S hops, F acto ries, C ar

The Revival at Broad Lane By Kate Drew

Miss Drew has provided a really charm ing book for home reading. It is a story of a series of wonderful revival services. When the Spirit of God lays hold of an individual or community, miracles are w rought, and this story is a recital of miracles. If you wish to stir up a spirit of revival in your home church, this is the book to circulate among those who m ight be responsive. Cloth, $1.75

The Bible and Spiritual Life By Dr. A. TV Pierson

A book th at will do much tow ard deepening the spirit­ ual life of everyone who reads it. It shows the very vital relationship th at the Bible has w ith the spiritual life of the Christian and then shows how th a t life can be devel­ oped by properly studying the Bible. The following are some of th e im portant themes treated. T he Bible as God’s Book— The Bible as Man’s Book—T he Problem of the Family— T he C hurch of God—-The Problem of the Individual Man— The World T h at Now Is— The Unseen World of the Spirits— The Problem of Salvation— The Problem of Service— The Problem of Suffering—The Problem of Providence— T he Mystery of History. Cloth, $2.00 The World’s Greatest Need By T. E. H ..Jones Tells the old, old story of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus bu t tells it in an entirely new way. The questions dealt w ith are of vital interest to every being. T heir treatm ent is illuminating, enthralling, persuading. All through, this volume tingles w ith spiritual fervour and strong sound common sense. It fascinates and fills w ith reverent delight. Each chapter teems w ith telling illustrations, and compels you to read on to the last word. T here is not a dull page in it. Just the book you need to pu t into the hands of intellectual unbelievers. Ready November 1st. Cloth, $2.00

If m one y does n o t accom pany o rd er, goods w ill be se n t C. O. D., u n less o th erw ise spe ci fie d. If goods a re to com e b y m ail ad d 10 % fo r p o stag e.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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