T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February 1925
A PRESSING NEED (Continued from page 65)
of men. Let us beg for divine wisdom and guidance and, if prayerless, let us go a t once in quest of th e very sp irit of prayer. You may be cold and dead, and the though t of prayer irksome and irritating . This is no excuse, b u t all th e more u rgen t reason th a t you make th e effort. God always blesses the effort to get to Him, but He never has blessed an effort unmade. Let us seek Him w ith our whole h eart,— Lord teach us, draw us, and if needs be, drive us to supplication.”
“I f ye ask anything according to my will, I will do it.’ The very things we would love to do and cannot, God says, “Ask me and I will do it for you.” Oh, what a trea su re of grace, w hat riches of achievement, what heights of joyful service, th e doorway of definite, believing prayer opens to God’s obedient, praying children. “Take my life and le t it be Consecrated Lord to Thee.” This is the beginning of effectual prayer, and all tru e prayer ends in th is blessed consecration. W here th e R attle Begins The battle is fought and won in the soul. Self, sin, and Satan, the Christian’s g reat trip le alliance of opposir tion, must be conquered in finding God real, w ithin and present here, and blessing now. Through prayer, idols are to rn down— “Every idol I have known, Wha'te’er th a t idol be, Help me to te a r it from Thy throne, And worship only Thee.” In prayer b arriers are broken and burned away:
Grace when th e sun is shining, Lord, Grace when th e sky is black, Grace when I get an unkind word, Grace on the too smooth track. Grace when I ’m elbowed in a nook, Grace when I get my tu rn , Grace when th e dinner will no t cook, Grace when the fire won’t burn. Grace when my duties all go wrong, Grace when they all seem right, Grace when it’s gladness, praise and song, Grace when I have to fight. Grace when my dress is fresh a n d new, Grace when it’s worn and old, Grace when my purse is empty, too, Grace when it’s full of gold. Grace when th e saved ones don’t ac t saved, And p u t th e blame on me, Grace when th e grace I ’ve asked and craved Seems denied, Lord, by Thee. — Selected. Beware of Substitu tes I HE w o r l d is full of f ^ J them today. Litera- tu re of cults t h a t
“ Ju st as I am , Thy love unknown H ath broken every b arrier down; Now to be Thine and Thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.”
Let us pray for one ano ther and for th e church. Let us pray the Lord of th e harv est fo r more laborers, and implore Him to give th is gospel of grace freer course in th e h earts
make their ‘‘special revela tions** the key to the Bible, has been so widely circulated th at many Christians are in u tter confusion as to w hat the Bible teaches. OUR BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES have straightened out hun dreds of people, grounding them in the great doctrines of the Faith. You are not made dependent upon the views of any teacher, but the Bible is made its own comm entary and you dig out the tru th for yourself, comparing Scripture w ith Scripture, u n d e r our direction. ASK FOR BULLETIN
Beginner’s Course in Christian Doctrine Only $2 Advanced Course Only $5 Seven P ractical courses are offered— none over $5. Let us send you information. Begin any time; have y o u r own time to complete; subm it your difficulties to us, get Institute certificate a t completion. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES—CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT 536-558 SOUTH HOPE ST.________________ LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA KEITH L. BROOKS, Secretary
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