Bible Institute of Los Angeles A TRA IN ING SCHOOL FOR CHR I ST I AN WORKERS Interdenominational — Evangelical — Evangelistic
The Center
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Day School Evening School Correspondence School Biola Press Biola Book Room The King’s Business
Where We Transact Business for the Lord, and Where Our Students are Taught the Word
The Circuit We Carry On Active Evangelistic Work in the Following Departments:
TWENTY-FIVE BIBLE WOMEN Engaged in Bible Class Work for women in homes, Women’s Clubs, and High School girls, as well as house-to-house visi tation. SEAMEN’S WORK Reaching men from every n a tion on the globe. JEWISH WORK Giving the Gospel to the Jew ish people on the Pacific Coast.
SHOP WORK Holding Gospel meetings in shops, factories and car-barns. SPANISH WORK Evangelistic work among the Spanish-speaking people of Los Angeles and surrounding towns. BIOLA HALL, (Los Angeles) O ur City Mission work. Open day and night for men.
BIOLA CLUB, (Long Beach) A center for Bible Class and Evangelistic Work for Men and Women. OUR FOREIGN WORK A Bible T raining School in Changsha (H unan Province) China, and Twelve Colportage Bands (1 3 men in each band) studying th e Bible and doing personal evangelistic w o r k among th e native Chinese.
The Circumference Where Students Transmit the Gospel Message
S ubscrib e for THE KING’S BUSINESS $1.25 p e r y ear L a rg e st circu latio n of an y Rel ig io us M on thl y in th e U. S.
“ Of all th e sch ools in th is fair lan d, Biola is th e best.
A nd ch alle nge an y te st.
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Equ tor
“O ur field o f servic e is w orld -w id e
Send for SAM PL E AN NU IT Y CONTRACT an d In v est for E te rn ity
F o r every ne ed God will provid e A nd ch oose for u s o u r place” — In stitu te School Son g.
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BIBLE' INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.
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