TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February 1925
FINGER PRINTS vs. NAIL PRINTS The “ Christ of the critics” is not our Christ, for He is not the Lord Jesus Christ! The juggling of terms is one of the high arts of .the Modernist, and on their lips the title “ Christ” or “ Christian” may be as meaning less as the word “ reverend.” .There was a time when all these were honorable and honored terms, but alas, alas! Modernism has no modesty and no conscience when it plays a game to gull the people, and their make- believe profession of Christianity is only another form of Bolshevism, for the finger prints of these deceivers give evidence that they have no faith in or reverence for the nail prints of the crucified Christ. They camou flage Christ as do “ badge bandits” the officers of the law. The Christ of the critics is not the Christ of the ‘‘old masters,”-—Matthew,,'‘Mark, Luke, John, and Paul. The “ Modernist” painting will not bear the inspection of real artists who have, seen the original picture of Christ as the Creator of the universe,—the Word which was. God, and without whom nothing which is made was made; the One who spoke and it was done; who holds the worlds in His hands as dry leaves and could crush them as easily ! NoM-the Christ of the critics is a cheap imitation, framed in gold leaf, designed to deceive the children of God. The picture is like the gods of the heathen, with eyes and ears and hands and feet, but no voice that can say, “ Come, ye blessed of my Father; inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world;” or, “ Depart from me, ye cursed, into ever-l lasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”' The Christ of the critics is not one who' demands1 obedience, but a “ goody-goody” being who wants His followers to be like the Modernist preachers who make their pathetic appeals in pacifist language; who try to puff out our lamp when it sheds light on the Word, and “ pooh-pooh” our faith in its inerrancy; who may play a pleasing part, adorn a professional assembly, and receive the plaudits of the people, but who must face the woe awaiting them unless they forsake the error of their ways and fall down at the nail-scarred feet of the .crucified, risen, ascended, and coming Lord Jesus Christ! THE POISON PREACHERS AND PROFESSORS A terrible blow has been given the church by the act of one preacher who combined his preaching of the Word of God with a lustful love and monstrous mur der,—poisoning his own wife and the husband of the object of his illicit affection. Not only did he disgrace the church and degrade the ministry, but by his selfish, sensual sin hev dragged down to the depths his sentimental ‘‘soul-mate, ’’ wrecked two families, brought sorrow and suffering upon innocent victims, and weakened the cause of Christ, thereby setting an example which will without doubt serve to justify many others in their devilish designs to break down the barriers set by the laws of society, and give vent to their unholy, unlawful pas sions. Pray for the unhappy children and friends, and pray for the church. But we want to use this crime as an illustration, and —while our minds are centered upon this awful event
—call your attention to a crime far beyond it in mag nitude, because so far-reaching; a crime which is being committed daily against the true church; against the children and youth; against the home; and against the very foundations upon which, by the grace of God, we have been built as a nation. What is it? It is the crime of the preachers and professors—who as did this preacher—take advantage of their position to insidiously inject the poison of unbelief in the Word of God. by denying its authen ticity and authority. They are the real enemies of God and man who, while feeding from the hand of deceived people who pay their bills, knowingly further the interests of Satan, hating the Word and work of God, hesitating at no step that will promote the interests of their destructive designs. Tens of thousands of righteously indignant people are ready to commit the “ poison preacher” to the gal lows—and that is a just punishment for his unspeak ably infamous deed; but these highly-educated, pol ished preachers and professors, who are a thousand times more dangerous to our country and to the cause of Christ, will go on with their seductive work with our children, our young people, and the multitude whose weary way terminates in the-outer darkness. Let there be no sentimental effusions over the “ poi son preacher” (who now claims to be insane), and let equal justice be meted out to the criminals in school and church whose damnable deeds deserve the punish ment spoken of in Hebrews 10:28, 29, 30: “He th a t despised Moses’ law died w ithout mercy under tw o o r th re e w itnesses: “Of how much so rer punishm ent; suppose ye, shall h e be though t w orthy who h a th trodden un d er foot th e Son of God, and h a th counted th e blood of th e covenant, where w ith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and h a th done despite unto th e S p irit of grace? “F o r we know him th a t h a th said, Vengeance belongeth un to me, I will recompense, saith th e Lord. And again, The Lord shall judg e h is people.”
P raise the Lord w ith glad rejoicing; All ye people sing His praise; Shout aloud, His trium ph voicing, Joyful hallelujahs raise; He is mighty! Over all His scepter sways. He’ll subdue th e nations for us; P u t the tribes beneath our feet; All th e land He will resto re us, Pour on us His blessings sweet: P raise Him! praise Him! Let us now H is praise repeat. W ith a shout the Lord ascendeth, And a victory doth bring: W ith a song th a t never endeth, We Jehovah’s praises sing; H allelujah! . P raise we give unto our King. God is K ing of ev’ry nation ; Sing His praise, His kingdom own;
He h ath given us salvation, He h ath favor to us shown; P raise eternal, Doth become Him on His throne. (P a ra p h ra s e of P sa lm 47 from "P eerless P oem s of D avid th e K b y J a n e C ople y).
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