TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February 1925
acterize His followers as it did Himself. “ Sacrificial service” must be the slogan of the saints. The joy of the Lord must be their strength. His power must be manifested in answer to their prayers; His ability to do anything, at any time, in any way He pleases, must be demonstrated. The devil’s doubts must be laughed to scorn. The Book of books must not lie unused on the table, but must be engraved upon the tablets of enduring mem ory. The apathy of professional members of the flock must not influence true believers to carelessness of life, but must serve to deepen their desire to follow closer in the footprints of Him whose untiring zeal and ceaseless service is the pattern for their l i f e p r o g r a m .
consistently, have invariably received much more than that for which they asked. The Bible is true. It is God’s Word. Every promise will be fulfilled ;—not only to individuals who believe and appropriate its blessings, but to unbelievers who refuse to accept its declarations concerning sin and the demands of God’s justice. Let us more than ever devote ourselves to declaring the whole counsel of God, “ whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear.”—W. A. F. A CHALLENGE FROM THE CHILDREN’S GARDEN
Take the January King’s Business-, turn to page 24, look at the opposite page and you will find a most unique little “ Junior Magazine” which can be detached without marring the rest of the magazine and folded to make an attractive little four page paper for the little folks. Then take a few moments to read it. Your heart will warm at once as you read the report of the Red Book (Gospel of John) Club, and see what practical work has been accomplished already. Two Chinese students are being sup ported in our Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China, at $40,00 each, and are being trained to preach the Gospel among their own people.
What effect would the application of the G o s p e l have upon a hungry- hearted, sin-sick world? Would not sinners seek the counsel of the church and the covert of the wings of Christ? Would they not.heed thè words, ‘‘Come unto Me ’’ from His lips, and lay their weary heads upon His shoulder and find in His pulsing heart rest for their souls ? Would it not be well for us, as individuals, to make this applica tion? When it has been given a fair trial has it ever proved to be a failure? There is a challenge to every Christian in the preacher’s message. Let us put it to the test ! THE EVIDENCE OF EXPERIENCE (See c o v e r cartoon) Notwithstanding the d o u b t s and denials of unbelieving preachers and college professors, Christian people are still enjoying the blessings that flow from the “ Living Rock.” For centur ies they have been drinking at the fountain, and experiencing its refresh
Mrs. Meader, who edits The Chil dren’s Garden, is a real mother, and doing a work of love in getting so many little folks and young people lined up in definite Bible study. If you have any children, get them interested at once, and if you have none, then see that those of your friends who are parents subscribe for the magazine so that their children may have the bene- inspiration of membership in The Red Book fit and Club. Remember—the time to reach children for the Lord is while they are children! '0m “BEING JUST IFIED FREELY BY HIS GRACE” “Who is a sinn er?” I asked one day, And a voice inside seemed to say: “Romans th ree tw enty-three tells th e story, All have sinned and come sho rt of His glory.” “Then, can I no t do some g reat big thing, T hat will take me from under the curse of sin ?” And I heard, as from some of the heavenly host: “Not of your works, lest you should boast.” “But if I keep all the law which Moses gave, Will not God be merciful then and save?” But again I heard the same voice w ithin, And it said: “By th e law is th e knowledge of sin.” “Then w h at will I do if my works are in vain, And the law only puts me to open sham e?” God’s Word says: “Accept Jesus Christ and receive F u ll pardon th a t comes to all who believe.” —^O. H. Bettes
T. C. HO RTO N, E dito r-in -C hief T he K in g’s B usin ess S u p erin ten d en t Em eritu s Bible In stitu te of Lo s A ngeles
ing and soul-cleansing qualities. It is still efficacious. The Word of God said that it would be. And this in spite of the negations of “ high-minded” educators and other self-constituted conservators of all truth and knowledge. TJie promises are sure; the Divine revela tion immutable; the blessings to believers certain—for Gpd cannot lie. This is the crux of the whole Modernist controversy: Is the Bible true, or is it not true ? Is it fact, or fancy’s fiction? Is it what it’purports to be, the very Word of God? Is its veracity sufficiently proved to commend it to intelligent acceptance by reasoning men and women? Has God proved His integrity? Has He kept His promises ? Has He saved men and women the world over as He said He would? Has He given hope to countless thousands in the years that have gone, who were otherwise without hope? Has He brought com fort and cheer to multitudes of comfortless and cheer less everywhere? The evidence is overwhelming and conclusive, that men and women in every walk of life, rich and poor, cultured and ignorant, the weak and the strong, of every color and race, who have sought God’s blessing
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