King's Business - 1925-02

Statement of Appreciation



AFTER eighteen years of faithful and Superintendent of the Institute. The wide ^ efficient service in connectionwith the influence of such a life can only be known foundation and management of the Bible when we shall have put off the limitations Institute of Los Angeles, Rev. T. C. of the flesh, and in eternity see “face to Horton has tendered, his resignation as face”; but we do know, that to all such Superintendent of the Institute, effective devoted disciples “there is laid up a crown January ist, 1925. of righteousness, which the Lord, the Upon presentation of the resignation, righteous Judge shall give” them “at that the Board of Directors, by a unanimous a^' vote, elected Mr. Horton Superintendent The sound basis> the comprehensive Emeritus of the Institute and requested plans> tbe evangelical enthusiasm, the him to retain his position as Editor-in- remarkable growth and influence of the Chief of The King’s Business, so that Institute, worldwide in its scope, is while relieved of the many onerous largely due to the inspiring leadership duties imposed by the former relation, the tbe retiring Superintendent, and in Institute would still have the benefit of token of the sincere appreciation of all his invaluable counsel, and the readers of otber co-laborers with Christ, in the The King’s Business, the great profit evangelization of the world, the Board resulting from the Editorship of the maga- of Directors desire to join with all such zine by this gifted and faithful servant of m saymg to our brother beloved, “Well the Lord. As an additional token of pro- done’ S°°d and faithfrrl servant and to found appreciation for the part taken by exPress the boPe that manK years of Mr. Horton in the foundation of the Bible useful service as editor and in °ther Institute of Los Angeles and its develop- departments of religious activity may be ment to its present high position among granted to Mr. Horton, in order that his similar institutions, the Board of Directors oft expressed desire to continue the battle desire to express, not only officially, but against sin to the very end, may be inbehalfof the workers andof the Alumni, realized. as well as in behalf of those at home and To our brother, in the language of the abroad, who have been saved and inspired. Book he loves so well, we say: to a life of service in the extension of the “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; Kingdom of Christ, through the influence The Lordmake His face shine upon thee, of the Institute, the sincere gratitude felt and be gracious unto thee; The Lord for his devoted life and for the faithful lift up His countenance upon thee, and service rendered by Mr. Horton while give thee peace.”

The foregoing statem ent o f appreciation, adopted by the Board o f D irectors o f the B ible In stitu te o f Los A ng eles, at its meeting December yth, 1924, is published in T h e K in g 's Business, by order o f the said Board.

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