Thank you again for the opportunity to participate in this MADD LE Summit! You and your team did an outstanding job and I walked away with a ton of notes and things to do!! It was great opportunity to network with our peers and hear what they are doing well and struggling with. I wanted to thank you for your leadership in this arena and helping us to address the challenges we have with impaired driving. Thank you so much for including me in the Summit. The presentations were excellent, and the conversations were so informative, that I never disengaged even for one minute. You definitely worked hard to bring so many great minds together, and I was humbled to be in their presence. I've made some connections at MADD, and hope to be forging some new working relationships soon. Thank you again for all your hard work. Thank you for your work in putting together a fantastic summit. I was honored to have been asked to present during the summit and hope that my presentations made a difference. I learned from the summit and came away renewed in my efforts to save lives. I look forward to be able to continue to impact impaired driving by participating in the MADD Law Enforcement Advisory Committee if so asked. Through this summit and other efforts, MADD has enhanced its ability to reduce impaired driving by inspiring enforcement activity. I wanted to take this moment to thank you for letting me attend the conference. What a fantastic experience it was. I truly feel that being able to hear from, and brainstorm with people from all over the country was incredibly beneficial. I was moved by the stories I heard and the passion I observed. I just wanted to tell you a sincere “thanks” for your efforts and logistical work in gathering attendees for the Summit. I feel it was very productive and directly contributed to us getting back to where we all need to be on the enforcement side. I appreciate someone with your credentials leading the efforts for MADD, and it was a true working conference and again, very productive. I clearly remember as a Trooper one of my fondest memories was receiving the MADD award for top DWI enforcer, I’M A BELIEVER!
X. Final Financial Report The final financial summary of monies spent on the National Law Enforcement Impaired Driving Summit is attached to this report (see Appendix I).
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