Blue Diamond Almond Facts September-October 2021

K: Farming is constantly evolving and changing. It’s never stagnant or boring. Farmers are some of the greatest stewards of the land and the industry is constantly pushing the envelope through the ever-changing demands and constraints. This excites me and I’m passionate about making a difference. AF: What are you looking forward to the most as you begin your career with Blue Diamond ? K: I’m looking forward to working with a solid team, my growers, industry professionals and developing lasting relationships. AF: What is your favorite Blue Diamond product ? K: My favorite Blue Diamond products would be chocolate covered almonds or some of the bold flavors like Habanero BBQ.

Weiss McNair is proud to announce the 7510 Harvester



The 7510 harvester is the latest release in our self-propelled harvester line. Cutting-edge features and unrivaled power elevate performance to a new level. Powered by a Volvo 5 liter, Tier 4 Final, 173 HP engine, this harvester boasts the highest continuously rated horsepower in the industry. In-cab controls and hydraulics support either bankout or Herbst cart systems. The ergonomic cabin features full climate control. Conveyor systems available for almonds, walnuts or pecans. Options include paddle wheels or front wheel sweeps.

AF: What are some of your hobbies ?

K: I enjoy spending time with family and friends or anything outdoors. I like to get outdoors for recreational activities ranging from camping, hiking, fishing, and snowboarding. AF: Is there anything else you would like our growers to know about you ? K: I’m excited to be a part of the BDG family; and I can’t wait to meet all of you.

• Faster, Cleaner Harvest • Power and Configurations for Heavy Windrows • Industry Leading Design and Performance

For more information or to find a dealer near you, call us at (530) 891-6214 or visit our website at

100 Loren Avenue, Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-6214 | Fax (530) 891-5905 |

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